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Why is there so much hatred in the world?

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot: why people won’t love or at least be nice to others. This world will be awesome if everyone is nice to others, but they are not; why? What stops them? I can’t stop myself from asking this question again and again.

The closest reason I can think about from my perspective is money. If you take out the concept of money from this world, it will be better.

There is this funny video called “kiss currency” in which if you want something, you have to pay through the kiss, so you go to a restaurant and buy food, you have to give them no. of kisses as mentioned in the menu. Funny right?

But It made me think how our world would be if being nice is the price you have to pay to buy things helping others is the price you need to pay for the services you get. There is no concept of accumulating money to decide how great and successful you are; only being nice and helpful is the scale to measure your richness.

Now, in this world, if you become rich, your neighbors or relatives will get jealous and try to beat your economic status, and they will become selfish in this process. 

Now, let’s say there is no concept of money, and as I said earlier, being nice is the scale for richness. Then, if you become rich, others will get jealous and try to beat you by being more helpful to others. Cool right

Why does our world opt for this concept of money, which is one of the main reasons for selfishness? I guess

I hope there is an alien planet far, far away where they use this concept instead of money.

Note: This answer may seem funny or pointless. It’s just my thought, and I am sorry for my grammar.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

If I ask you, A for…

You will involuntarily answer, apple.

Why? All our life, we have been taught A for Apple!

A thousand more words starting with A: why were we not reminded about them? Because all our lives, we have observed and learned A for Apple. Hence, it is involuntary.

All our lives, by observing around, some common things like,

  • Ex should be hated.
  • A neighboring Nation should be hated.

And there are 100 more examples. We have learned it, and often, it is involuntary.

Where did this hatred come from? Our observations and that trend have led us to it.

Let’s change it! Make it a beautiful world.

There are endless reasons why exes leave, and neighboring nations do things, etc.

Hatred brings in negativity!

Spread Love, it multiplies, it is beautiful!

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

Why does life make some people bitter?

They may be bitter because of the choices they made and life has been hard for them. Maybe they are just sick of it (life). They are sick of people being rude or dishonest. They are sick of people taking advantage of them or someone they love.

They are sick of seeing graffiti on buildings, and they are sick of people treating the earth like a garbage can. They are tired of the pain in their bodies and heart.

They are sick of living alone or maybe sick of being abused. They are sick of their spouse not listening. In other words, they are ready for this ride called life to be over. Really, it’s just a matter of perspective.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

Read about Tech in a Funny way with Tech Zoke.

Why is there so much bitterness in the world?

There is too much pressure to be part of a system that we wouldn’t choose. Work, pay, sleep, repeat. Freedom is an illusion that keeps most within it’s false grandeur.

You are free as long as you “obey” a million rules, guidelines, codes, ethical behaviour, and standards. Deviants are outcasts and shunned, ridiculed, and persecuted.

Why are some people filled with so much hate and anger?

For those of you who do not know – I had Bariatric Surgery recently, and I now have to avoid certain foods like sugar, oily, or spicy food.

A few days ago, my wifey – even after telling her repeatedly that I cannot eat certain foods – cooked something that had sugar, oil and spice in it. I was exceptionally hungry, so I took three huge bites – and immediately, I began to feel its effects.

The results were immediate. I experienced intense pain, agony and physical suffering. I found it painful to breathe, painful to walk, painful to move, painful to sit or stand. I had gas increasing and bloating my body, and the pain was excruciating. 

And it went on for nearly 6 hours. And I also started violently puking. However, all that came out were large amounts of thick mucus because of my surgery.

It wasn’t very pleasant. Truly horrible.

I was extremely angry with my wife because even though I told her again and again and again NOT to make food like this – she made it just the opposite of how I instructed her.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

I looked at my young 24-year-old wifey, shivering and afraid. Not only did she see me in excruciating pain, but she also saw me very angry for the first time.

She kept waiting when I would lash out at her. Not to her surprise because that is how her previous two previous relationships were with her Thai husbands. They would get married through a small village ceremony, and they always used violent force against her.

I looked at her and found it hard to breathe. And then I told her the following:

“Sweetheart, I want you to know I am angry at what you did. Very angry. And right now, I am in pain. However, I need my space to get through this pain. And then for me to cool down. And in a few hours, I will be okay. And don’t be afraid – I have never hurt anyone in my life. And I love you and would never hit or hurt you – verbally or physically.”

After that, she wept and cried, knowing that even now, I was still able to let her know I loved her.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

The point of my sharing this story is not to make me look or sound like a hero – rather to let you know being angry is normal and natural. However, what you choose to do when you get angry requires emotional intelligence and maturity. And that comes with time.

I was in pain because of her mistake, but hurting her wouldn’t make my pain get better. It would only worsen things. And most probably hurt her and maybe reinforce those horrible memories she once went through – which wasn’t worth it. And I wouldn’t let it happen. Never. It was my responsibility to take care of her – And I always would.

Remember – Getting Angry is Normal and Natural. What you choose to do when you are angry – really angry – is what matters and makes all the difference.

Why is the world working against Islam?

It’s an innately violent religion. I have many friends who are Muslim and perfectly peaceable people, but the religion itself both promotes and justifies violence for those who wish to be.

While I don’t favour religion in general, and while all religions can develop undesirable traits, few are at their roots so bloodthirsty.

For example, while Christianity had been radically transformed through Catholicism, and the Catholic church is guilty of many crimes, Christianity’s basic tenets are pacifist. Islam, on the other hand, was created by a warlord, and its basic principles are violent.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

What do you hate about our world?

This is anonymous because I know a lot of people are not going to agree. This is my opinion, and I’m going to say it.

In response to the question:

I don’t know everything.

No one truly cares about anything other than themselves. I saw a guy kicking a homeless man, and what did the pedestrians do? Nothing. And so did I. I also did nothing. I just walked on because I didn’t want any trouble.

Everyone, including me, is an a$$hole. Humans are terrible creatures.

You only care about people who have done something good for you, and even then, your love is fickle. Superficial things like familial relations (even if your family sucks) are considered mandatory. 

You’re required to respect that racist and bigoted grandmother of yours who says you’re going to hell for dating a person of the same s*x because she’s old and senile.

On the flip side, befriending someone who used to be a prostitute and needs help is considered disgusting and immoral. Hanging out with a former criminal who’s already served his sentence is also immoral. Society dictates that you should abandon them and let them jump off bridges.

By the way, in some parts of the world, hate speech is protected under the law. You know that I know that. In other places, uttering anything that expresses how you truly feel can get your head chopped off. We all know that. And we can’t stop it.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

People claim to be friends with other people, but once you lose what makes you desirable, be it youth, beauty, or wealth, they disappear like rabbits.

Under the name of morality, some humans kill.

What is moral, anyway? Because I know someone who hanged himself because his parents were doing something they thought was moral. 

He was transgender, and his parents forced him to wear things he didn’t want and called him a ‘her’ because it’s what their religion dictates. But the problem is, they thought they were doing a good thing. Besides, what would their friends think if their daughter was actually his son?

I’m aware that I sound pessimistic, but name one truly good thing. Face it, and you only do good things without a cause to feel good about it afterwards because you fear social ostracization.

What is universally hated?

Need more space on your paper.

Look at this. I was taking notes, and this happened to me:

Look at that last word. Feel the horror.

You are casually taking notes and looking at the end of the line. It’s a short space, and you have to write a long word. You decide to go for it. You start the word, your hopes high. You reach the middle, still going strong! You reach the end, and you are filled with dread. 

You didn’t make it. You awkwardly squiggle the last few letters into a smashed-up smear off the edge of the paper. A feeling of utter failure encompasses you, and you question everything.

Every student on the planet can relate to this.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

What is universally hated?

Hyenas, at least in Africa.

On safari, we got close to some cute hyena pups and took photos.


When we went to various markets in Kenya and Rwanda, we always bought little carvings of the animals we had seen, but we couldn’t find any hyenas. When I asked, they said, “Oh no—hyenas are evil. Carving a hyena would bring bad luck.”

We later learned part of the reason for this attitude. A leopard might attack your herd of cows, kill one and pull the carcass to a safe place to eat. But hyenas are more picky. 

They typically will run into a herd and take a big bite out of every animal they can reach. Then, they decide which one of the fallen is the tastiest and consume that one. They leave the other ones they’ve tasted to bleed to death.

This story about hyenas never seems to make it outside of Africa. It just isn’t the kind of story you read about in children’s books.

Look again at that photo of the cute hyenas!

Back in the US, I visited a high-end toy store that had exquisite models of the wild animals of Africa, and I finally got my hyena.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

Which is more powerful, between feelings of love and feelings of Hate?


Love runs out. Love is more gratifying and feels smoother. Sweeter. Makes the world seem fuzzy and peach-toned.

Hate, on the other hand…. Hate is what keeps you warm at night when your love has run dry.

Hate is what keeps you going through all the pain and decay. Hate is far more powerful than you think. Hate gives you strength and grants you power beyond power. 

When your teeth clench, and your muscles tear because of your raw, palpable anger, Hate is there to make it stronger, push you past your limits, numb your appendages and cloud your mind with a warm red mist that always leads to light, then darkness.

Love? Love makes you weak. Frail. Undisciplined. Reliant on others. Love will betray you. Love will burn you. Love will sting you and keep stinging you. Hate is born of love to keep you alive when your love has abandoned you. 

When you are crying and shaking alone on the floor of your shower, and the hot water has long run out, Hate is what is keeping you warm. Hate is what is keeping you alive. 

Hate is what feeds you when you starve yourself out of shame for losing your love. Hate is Everything. Hate is the beginning. Hate is the end. Hate is in the middle. And Hate is the lance with which you strike down the bringer of it.

Hate is more powerful than weakling, insignificant love. Hate is your one True Love.

Why do I hate the world?

There’s a lot of ignorant answers here. I’ve explored the heights and depths of the therapies, philosophies, spiritualities and personal development. Still, I hate the world.

How can you like a world dominated by such a primitive species as humanity? At worst, we live under the power and control of those with the most guns; at best, we indoctrinate and punish each other into submission in order to co-exist.

We are not free. Unconditional love is an illusion, and conditional love is sewerage. We think we are evolved, but when it comes down to it, we are just hairless, upright apes with large skulls. We’re slowly destroying our planet and ourselves while we live in ignorant self-obsession.

Let’s face it: you either have to be okay with living among these pathetic animals or in blind denial to be okay with the ugly mess that is life on planet Earth. With luck, we will destroy ourselves soon, and the earth can go about its business of regeneration. Only in death is the freedom.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

Why am I filled with hatred?

Somewhere along your growing-up path, whether in a situation or an experience, the love you needed was not given to you. The absence of love that was vital to a situation or an experience was mentally changing. 

And even if it was given at a later time, the effect it had on you emotionally could have formed a permanent negative personality change in your mind.

Emotional growth that permanently affects one’s developing mind in childhood has basically two categories.

  • Positive growth
  • Negative growth

So the strong emotion hatred obviously comes from negative and love from positive.

You have to realize the feeling of hatred is not your fault. It’s a strong controlling emotion that was allowed to grow in your mind, life most likely in childhood. 

Or it could have grown from a situation that happened where you didn’t have any control. That’s why it’s not your fault you are left with hated feeling in your mind. So don’t ever blame or beat yourself up over your feelings.

The most important thing a parent has to make sure happens in their child’s young life is

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

Always make sure the child is given love, no matter what. It’s a daily make-sure also. This means it’s important every day to check with your child about situations that you are aware of that love is not always given so freely, and hatred could silently grow.

  • Discipline
  • Parental guidance
  • Authority enforcement
  • Assumptions and judgmental verbal communication caused damage but went unnoticed.

And finally, to conclude, my thoughts and opinions on why you could have strong emotions of hatred is

As adults, we all have the responsibility to not subject others to retaliation that’s cruel or unlawful of one’s emotion of hate.

My true advice would be to try and imagine others’ death and realization that you’re never going to be given a chance to interact with someone again. 

NEVER….or that you will not ever be given an opportunity to be in a situation once it’s done, gone, over with ever again. Time in one’s life goes by faster than it’s ever realized rationally.


YOU MUST Love the people God gave you because he will need them back one day.


  • You might not be able to change your emotion of hatred. But you have to make sure not to allow behaviour changes in your life that can most likely change.


  • Don’t create desire from the emotion of hatred.


  • Knowledge and loving support can and will help prevent that.

Conclusion: Why is there so much hatred in the world?

Because everyone wants to win.

People want to win in life. They want the people who look like them to win. They want their families to be victorious, whatever the game is.

And so, they compete. Us vs. them…whoever they are.

Somewhere along the way, emotions develop against the competitors, and folks start to ‘hate’ the people, the ‘other’ they are battling. Even if the ‘other’ doesn’t know, they compete.

Men love women. They love their wives, mothers, daughters, and those females on their team. But when women enter the workforce, want similar jobs, and want to make the same amount of money, the tone shifts. Men aren’t as comfortable. Now, women are competitors, and the ground shifts.

And don’t get me started about people of different races, different religions, different eyes, skin color.

Hate is as old as time. It’s an original sin. We, as people, need to elevate and fight against emotion and evolve.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

69 thoughts on “Why is there so much hatred in the world?”

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