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Why did stingray attack Steve Irwin?

Why did stingray attack Steve Irwin?

Why did stingray attack Steve Irwin?

Steve Irwin jumped into the water from a boat directly above the 2-meter (6.5 ft) Stingray.

Stingrays only ‘sting’ when they feel threatened. This commotion frightened the Stingray, and it reacted by striking Steve Irwin, who had essentially just jumped into the water directly above it.

This is an animal that’s survived some time in the wild, in the Great Barrier Reef, and reached its size of 6.5ft.

It was frightened and most likely startled and perceived Steve Irwin’s approach as a threat. It immediately defended itself by striking him with its barbed tale.

Stingrays usually only sting people when they’re accidentally stepped on. They are generally quite docile, and when exposed to people frequently, they even become friendly.

Their barb is a survival defense mechanism. It takes time for their barb to grow back once used. So, they only use it when they feel truly threatened.

If Steve Irwin had been a hunter, this Stingray most definitely would have saved its own life.

It was startled, caught off guard by the way he jumped into the water above it, and perceived him as a threat.

It acted immediately, defending itself, and just so happened to strike him in the heart.

Why did Stingray attack Steve Irwin?

In a nearby fishing village, a man runs a fish and chips shop. He shuts up shop at 2 pm, puts on his wet suit, and goes swimming. His friendly local Stingray comes along and wraps itself around him. It is a remarkable vision.

In another town, I spied a stingray as I was walking across a bridge. My daughter and I watched it for a while, and more people came to see what we were looking at. Somebody got in touch with the right people and the Stingray, and we ended up on the nightly television news. Marine biologists came to examine it. It turned out to be an extremely rare type.

Just two cases of very gentle stingrays. The one that killed Steve Irwin was probably the same, just spooked.

What actually happened to the “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin?

A stingray barbed him. It went through his chest like a hot knife through butter.

-his cameraman, who had filmed the whole incident, reported on this.

The cameraman was not tactless. I’ve seen it is normal for Australians to describe things in such a blunt manner.

Yes, September 4, 2006. Steve was filming his new television show at Batt Reef, Queensland, Australia.

He and his team were trying to track and film a deadly tiger shark. While they were there, they saw a large stingray.

Steve went to swim right above the Stingray with a camera, and that’s when it barbed him straight in his chest.

Stingrays use “barbs” – three venomous spinal blades in their tail, as a defense mechanism when threatened.

He pulled at least one of them out of his chest and later fell unconscious.

His team did whatever they could to save him on the speedy trip back. They yelled at him about his kids and told him to be strong for them.

“Think of your kids, Steve, hang on, hang on, hang on.”

The barbs had pierced his heart.

Once they reached the shore, ready paramedics tried to save him, but sadly, Steve passed before they reached the hospital.

His death was all on tape. Only a copy was given to the police, and a copy was given to his wife. Several “videos” can be found on YouTube, but they are all fake.

Steve had such great passion for his job and made a huge contribution to spreading awareness of Australia’s wildlife conservation and tourism.

He is survived by his wife, children, and granddaughter.

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Just how freak of an accident was it with what happened to Steve Irwin being killed by a huge stingray?

Originally Answered: Just how freak of an accident was it with what happened to Steve Irwin being killed by a huge Sting Ray?

It’s no secret that if you bother a stingray, it might sting you. However, stingray attacks are almost never lethal.

For starters, most stingray attacks involve small stingrays in very shallow water. A person might be wading along a sandy bottom and accidentally step on one (or too close to one.) Encounters with enormous deeper-water stingrays are uncommon, but even a sting from one of those wouldn’t normally be lethal.

Steve managed to get himself too close to one such giant, though. It was approximately 8 feet across, and his bad luck didn’t stop there.

Another uncommon aspect of this event is that he didn’t just get stung once. It is believed that the Stingray mistook Steve for a shark and reacted not as if it were striking and then getting away but as if it needed to kill a shark lest it become a shark’s lunch. It stabbed Steve through the chest over and over again for a few seconds before bolting away.

The final aspect of bad luck is that the Stingray’s barb pierced Steve’s heart. The attack probably would have been survivable if not for that one strike that hit a small vital organ. As a result, Steve was alive for just a moment after being pulled out of the water before dying of blood loss.

To recap:

Steve Irwin’s death was rare because:

1) Most people don’t get attacked by stingrays, much less huge stingrays.

2) Most people who get stung by stingrays don’t get stung over and over.

3) Most people who get stung by stingrays don’t get hit in the heart.

Just how freak of an accident was it with what happened to Steve Irwin being killed by a huge stingray?

It was not at all exaggerated. What happened to Steve Irwin was statistically near impossible. In addition to that, anyone who regularly works in shallow oceans is well aware of the so-called “stingray shuffle.” 

This is a shuffling walking gate that we do through the sand to alert any potential rays to our presence and give them adequate time to escape. It is certain that Irwin was definitely aware of this and had no doubt done this thousands of times in his life. It really was a truly bizarre and truly freak occurrence.

If Steve Irwin hadn’t pulled the stingray barb out of his chest, is there a chance he could have survived?

His cameraman claims subsequently that he did not pull the barb out. However, the initial story was that he did. His cameraman was also his friend for 15 years, loved him, and Steve’s business was his livelihood. 

If the initial story was true, and the cameraman then heard the angle that he shouldn’t have pulled it out like a “real man” and that he well may have survived if he didn’t pull it out, then it is likely he would push the story that he didn’t pull it out. 

Subsequently, he said that he was stabbed more than a hundred times and that his heart was pierced even though Steve himself said it felt and looked like it got his lung, not his heart. The autopsy mentions a hole in his thoracic wall or chest wall, not his heart.

The fact that the cameraman has never released the footage to prove he didn’t pull out the barb (which would have created a huge hole because of the reverse barb like a car park security teeth against tires), I would say on the balance of probabilities that the initial story was true, that he did pull the barb out which he wouldn’t have had masses of blood loss. He died of blood loss.

Why did stingray attack Steve Irwin?
Why did stingray attack Steve Irwin?

The doctor, who never treated the conservationist, claimed the animal enthusiast could have been saved if he hadn’t hastily pulled the stingray barb from his chest. He reportedly told RadarOnline: “The stingray tail effectively acted as a plug, and the second he removed it, he bled to death. “Steve Irwin didn’t have to die.”

Even though you want it out, never pull an impalement out. Wait till a trauma surgeon can do it with additional blood on hand.

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Did Steve Irwin upset the Stingray?

Steve Irwin approached the Stingray from behind and above in shallow water, and the ray probably felt threatened not by Steve himself but by having an avenue of escape reduced. 

Rays must move forward as they have no “reverse” motion in their playbook, so the ray did what it naturally does when it senses a threat, and Steve was in EXACTLY the wrong position, above and behind. The ray thrust its stinger straight up into Steve’s thorax, and it entered his heart. It is sad and truly a loss of a person dedicated to animals of all species.

Did Steve Irwin upset the Stingray?

Steve Irwin approached the Stingray from behind and above in shallow water, and the ray probably felt threatened not by Steve himself but by having an avenue of escape reduced. 

Rays must move forward as they have no “reverse” motion in their playbook, so the ray did what it naturally does when it senses a threat, and Steve was in EXACTLY the wrong position, above and behind. 

The ray thrust its stinger straight up into Steve’s thorax, and it entered his heart. It is sad and truly a loss of a person dedicated to animals of all species.

What kind of Stingray killed Steve?

A Short-tailed Stingray is 2.2 meters wide.

Stingrays are believed to be docile creatures that flee rather than attack when they sense predators, so it came as a shock to both Steve and Justin when the animal, according to the latter, “propped on its front and started stabbing wildly with its tail, hundreds of strikes in a few seconds.” Lyons surmounts that the Stingray must have thought that Steve was a tiger shark and was merely trying to defend itself.

Steve was stabbed in the heart by the Stingray’s sharp barb, which caused him to bleed to death. Justin said the damage to Steve’s heart was “massive,” and even Steve realized that his time had come. 

As Justin and the other crew were trying to talk him through the ordeal, telling him to think of his kids and to hang on until more help would come, Steve looked up calmly and told Justin, “I’m dying.” Justin believes those were Steve’s last words.

Do you think that people should’ve killed the Stingray that killed Steve Irwin?

No, they should not kill that Stingray just because it killed Steve Irwin. Steve Iren swapped up very close to the ray. Stingrays are believed to be docile creatures that flee rather than attack when they sense predators.

Steve was stabbed in the heart by the Stingray’s sharp barb, which caused him to bleed to death.

Did Steve Irwin not die from a stingray injury in 2006?

He died from a stingray tail barb, but not because of the toxin. The story I heard was that he and a cameraman were following a ray quite closely. Most stingrays wouldn’t be too upset by this, but he had picked a particularly aggressive variety known as a “short tail ray.” 

When it had enough and felt too threatened, it hit Steve with a bark to the chest. If it had been a few inches to either side, it would have been a lesson in not harassing the wildlife. 

Unfortunately, it hit him in the heart, causing him to bleed out. He actually thought he had been hit in the lungs and died on the way to the hospital.

I would add my condolences to the family but also point out he had been pushing his luck for a long time.

Has anyone openly criticized Steve Irwin for the accident that took his life?

There are people out there who would do so.

From what I read of it, the Stingray acted as if it interpreted him to be a danger to it and, using its tail, struck him a few hundred times in a matter of seconds; one of those strikes landed a barb from its tail into the center of his chest near his heart which would mean poison would not have to travel far to kill him, which we all know now, some 12 years later that he’s gone.

Were he alive today, in other words, had he been wounded, many would have called him a fool or lucky, or other terms, but many people try the same moves daily across the world, and they’re not struck?

Sometimes, when the creator rings the COME HOME phone, they do it in a very interesting fashion.

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**NEVER TRY to ride a STINGRAY** would be my advice, and never get within striking distance of one’s tail.

**I have been certified as a scuba diver since 1974, so I know what I speak of, having dived in the South Pacific for qualifications as well as on dives in the Marianas Islands and Philippine Islands.

It was not at all exagg

Why did stingray attack Steve Irwin?
Why did stingray attack Steve Irwin?

If God is real, then why didn’t he save Steve Irwin from a stingray attack?

God is just a Witness to whatever is happening on the Earth or any other abodes and will never participate in all these events because it is the individual’s Karma that takes care of it.

Svetasvatara Upanishad says

The non-dual and resplendent Lord is hidden in all beings. All-pervading, the inmost Self of all creatures, the impeller to actions, abiding in all things, He is the Witness. The Animator and the Absolute, free from gunas.

Bhagavad Gita corroborates Svetasvatara Upanishad, saying that God is a Witness as follows [13.23]:

upadrashtaanumantaa cha Bharata bhoktaa Maheshwari

paramaatmeti chaapyukto dehe’smin purushah parah ॥ 13.23 ॥

The Supreme Purusha in this body is also called the Witness [upadraṣhṭā], the Approver, the Supporter, the Experiencer, the Sovereign Lord and the Supreme Self.


God will never favor this or that, so God stands without prejudice. To support this view more concretely, there is a saying in Tamil:

Arasan andru kolvaan, Deivam Nindru Kollum.

This means the king will decide the death [punishment] on the same day and maybe instantly, but God will give a long rope to teach us [through Karma] the lesson.

Steve Irwin met his end from a stingray attack as per his Karma.

Do you think that people should’ve killed the stingray that killed Steve Irwin?

No. Stingrays don’t “attack” out of aggression – it’s a mechanical reaction to being touched on the back that causes their tail and stinger to snap up. Steve was swimming too close to the ray and may have bumped against him.

He had the very bad luck of being stung near the heart – otherwise, stings are not usually fatal. Apparently, he was stung repeatedly, which, to me, suggests the ray was WAY too close and was trying to get away.

I enjoyed Steve’s show, and he seemed like a great guy. But in this case, his injury was entirely his fault. And I expect that he would agree.

Could Steve Irwin have been saved?

If he could have realistically been saved, he would have.

Unfortunately, his natural reflex kicked in and removed the barb, which quickened his death to the point there was no time to do anything to save him. 

I wasn’t there, nor was I part of the investigation, which saw the video, which has now been destroyed, so I can only base this answer on what we were told. I’m sure those who were with him did the best they could in the situation, and I’m sure they would have been shocked to the core by his death.

R.I.P Steve, it was like losing a family member.

Was Steve Irwin popular in Australia?

His “Barnum & Bailey” gung-ho manner irked many Australians.

Yesterday, I noticed a kid around 13 presenting some animals and a spider to a typically over-the-top American talk show host. I remarked to my housemate, “that kid looks like he’s trying to be Steve Irwin,” to which he responded with, “He’s Steve Irwin’s son.”

Looks like we’re in for another generation of exuberant showmanship.

Steve Irwin: villain or hero?

Steve Irwin may not have been a hero, but he certainly was not a villain. Contrary to some other answers, Steve Irwin was not massively cruel to animals. He was an Australian icon and benefited the country in terms of international renown and tourism.

He also made the public aware of our native animals and why they should be preserved.

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This is a hard one to answer, as some of his practices were questionable. However, he was not a villain in my eyes, nor to many people in the Australian public and the world.

What was Steve Irwin’s nickname?

The Crocodile Hunter. He was extremely extroverted and fearless with very, very quick reflexes. I would be surprised if there aren’t reruns available somewhere in the 2000-channel cable TV universe. The Crocodile Hunter is available on DVD if you are very enthusiastic.

Why did stingray attack Steve Irwin?