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Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?

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Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110

Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?

The series that you are seeing hints that you are very close to meeting or knowing your twin flame. Guardian angels are around you, and you may wake up more than often during the night these days or have disrupted sleep.

Do not block these signals with your anxieties or doubts. Look at the night sky and feel that you are receiving the signals and energies, and you will be amazed to see what you get in the next 3–8 weeks.

Why do I keep seeing the angel numbers 1110, 1111, 111, 110, 221, 222, 332, 333, 443, 444, 555, and 556?

It means you’re in line with your destiny. In line with your purpose and following the guidance provided for you.

The commoners, who are rookies in their soul, have no concept of this and will try to shut you down and ridicule you. However, the ancient souls know better. With time comes wisdom. The “rookies” lack this wisdom. They are programmed to ignore it and call it hogwash.

These numbers mean several, but the takeaway is this:

  1. Manifest your reality with your mind.
  2. Take a deeper approach to doing so.
  3. Find yourself and look inward to discover you.
  4. Follow the path.
  5. Follow your destiny because great rewards await.

Pay no mind to the naysayers, and it’s their brainwashing. They can’t help it. I feel sorry for them.

I understand the doubt and confusion you might have… we all go through it. But, at some point, you cannot deny it or make excuses to cope with the disbelief.

That’s my opinion. I’ve met Angels all my life… they are certainly real, if only they knew… lol. I’m not saying there is a god, per se… but I will unequivocally state that the spirit realm definitely exists, and religions have been trying to explain it for thousands of years… but only have part truths. It wouldn’t be the entire picture even if you combined all the religions. They are all just bits and pieces. A crumb of truth.

Why do I keep seeing 111 and 1111? I see it sometimes ten times a day.

You are being called to enlighten yourself spiritually. You are a twin flame. I’m an ascension guide for newly awakening twin flames and have seen this as the primary physical indicator of one. They all see the numbers, a language the universe reveals to communicate their path to them.

Only Twin Flames can see these numbers all the time. I’ve asked plenty of people who are not twin flames (or unawakened) if they ever saw sequences, and the answer was no. Even after being alerted to them, they didn’t begin noticing patterns afterward either. 

One person went so far as to become my spiritual student, being intrigued by the twin flame journey and enlightenment in general, and for her life, she prayed and prayed to God for signs of her twin flame if she was one. The language never opened up to her. She never saw sequences and desperately wanted to have a twin flame. 

At the time, I was confused about why a person would get tortured with this knowledge and go deeper into her past life. Apparently, in the first life, she can remember she was a man who committed suicide while young, and in the following life, she was also a man. 

We pondered the karma of having taken one’s own life. This person had to repeat another life as a man again and was now experiencing the third life as a woman.

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Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?

What might have been the final lifetime as a twin flame was delayed with an extra lifetime, and her karma was having to know what was denied to her in this life and seek spiritual growth so that she’d return as two counterparts to complete her journey in the next life.

So, the numbers are not nothing. As stated above, the universe deliberately conceals the sequences from those that are not meant to awaken, with rare exceptions. It would be torture to get on the journey thinking you’re a twin flame and then not be a twin flame, numbers being all in the head. They are not.

It is a matrix revealed to twin flames called to awaken their spiritual gifts and come into oneness with God and their counterpart. Find God, your soul, and your spiritual counterpart/shadow self, the holy trinity of Father/Son/Holy Ghost or Mother/Maiden/Crone that unite within yourself when enlightened.

Ancient philosophical texts prove the phenomenon under different terms. I like Descartes’ Meditations of First Philosophy and Passions of the Soul; Socrates and Plato were also flames. 

In Jane Eyre (favorite novel), Rochester likens them to “Eshton’s twins,” who can communicate across space and time, sharing the same spirit with Jane. You’ll begin to see the world of twin flames open up in literature, movies, and music. Enjoy! It’s a wild ride.

Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?
Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?

Why do I see angel numbers every single day?

Let me tell you why I believe in Angel numbers!! I started seeing 12:34 for years to the point where I was about to start playing the lottery with the numbers. I didn’t want to see the numbers, but when I looked at the time it was there when I picked up my phone when I got a new house key the numbers were imprinted, it was the numbers that were stuck on the DVD player! 

To make a long story short, the day I found out about Angel Numbers: I was a manager at Wendy’s, so one day, we ran out of salads; I was in the back making salads, and I asked the cashier near me what time it was. 

Do you know her reply? She goes, “Oh my GOD, every time I look at the clock, it’s 12:34!” This is no coincidence, and it happens for a reason! If you see these numbers, you are aligned with the universe. Everyone will need help understanding! Have a blessed day.

I see 445, 1112, 556, and 334 Angel Numbers. What does this mean?

Good on you for looking for answers! The universe has been trying to nudge you with helpful messages (it always is when you see the same hours on PCs, clocks, mobile phones, and even number plates).

Here is the clarity you’ve been looking for:

4 is the number of resourcefulness and liveliness from the character plane.

45 is the number of dedications from the future plane.

4:45 means to be in high spirits and make things happen to reap great rewards.

11 is the number of inner strength (not being reactive) from the mind plane.

12 is the number of reflections from the mind plane.

11:12 means to keep a positive attitude and be disciplined to keep up with what you are creating.

5 is the number of knowledge and optimism from the character plane.

56 is the number of creative solutions from the evolution plane.

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5:56 means to have faith in your abilities and make things happen.

3 is the number of caring sensibility from the character plane.

34 is the number of patients from the perceptions plane.

3:34 means to follow the guidance of sensible logic and make time to fully assess the situation before making a move.

I hope this helps!

Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?

Why do I see angel numbers 1 (11, 111, and 1111) everywhere and every time? I also feel as if my every thought is coming true.

11, 111, and 11.11 are angel numbers, meaning that your thoughts manifest, and you should monitor your thoughts. It is also a sign of lightworkers. 

As the sequences of 11, 111, and 1111 mean that your thoughts are powerful and manifest, you must become aware of what you think when you see these numbers; as you become aware of your thoughts, you can shift them to manifest good in your life.

It also means that you are transforming your spiritual growth.

Why do I keep seeing 222 and 111?

Something’s trying to connect with you and lead you on a better path. Most people here say it’s just “bias” to live shitty, unfulfilling lives. Do not listen to them, as they will derail you into living the same unimpressive, mundane lives they live.

I lived most of my life as a hyper-practical realist/near-atheist. It wasn’t until I began to live my life as more of a dreamer and accept God and love into my heart that things shifted for me. Work hard and follow the signs! There’s a reason most successful people follow this manifestation philosophy: it works!

What do you feel when you now see Angel Numbers (i.e., 111, 222)?

I’m on the right pathway because I ALWAYS ‘see’ them at very synchronous times. For example, apart from those I’ve written about, but this weekend just gone, I’ve been contemplating moving house, it’s a thought decision to be made but necessary. I wasn’t sure, so I asked for divine guidance on what to do.

About an hour later, I looked online to view an article about houses, and as I opened the page, it showed ‘111 Views’; I smiled but thought it was a coincidence. I then opened another tab and looked for hotels for a trip later this year to do with the house move if it happens. I found one, paid for the hotel, and went to pay; the cost at the checkout button was $111…

Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?
Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?

I laughed, then went back to the house renting site. I was reading through various houses, found one I liked the sound of and clicked on the pictures. The right in front of me was the ‘111′ on the trash bin AND house sign, right in front of me! That was no coincidence…

Sometimes, you have to trust the process when you see numbers, which usually means I’m on the right/correct path.

Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?

For the past 8 months, I’ve seen all the angel numbers daily, but nothing great is happening in my life. What is the reason?

Angel numbers don’t mean something good is going to happen in your life.

Angel number means quite a lot of things. Most angel number means that your angels and ancestors are guiding you toward the right path. They’re telling you to keep moving ahead, balance yourself, become spiritually awakened, and know your purpose in life. Angel numbers also tell you to leave your old self behind, the insecure, the angry, the painful, the imbalanced, and all negative traits you once had.

Leave those behind.

Angel numbers also tell you that new changes are coming for you, the new chapter of your life will begin, and you will need all the strength, courage, and balance to face those new struggles. Newness, new opportunities, or anything is challenging to deal with. You need to change yourself as per time and situation demands.

Angel numbers are telling you to change and put in effort.

Most people think Tarot, spirituality, angel numbers, and soul journeys are some kind of magical powers. 

Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?

They’re not. They’re simply guidance from God, and everyone gets it when they truly surrender their life and pains to God; that is when God and Universal powers take you and your life in their hands and send you angelic and ancestral guidance.

But these powers cannot just sit on a couch with you and guide you like a therapist. Therefore, they send you angelic signs and signals. Most people miss these signs, and the spiritually awakened souls catch on them.

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Just because you’re seeing angel numbers doesn’t necessarily mean something good will happen in your life. Almost all angel numbers are a set of guidance, the work you need to do for a better life. 

No angel number I know of says to suddenly sit and wait for magic to happen in your life.

Angel numbers tell you that you need to change, and when the new challenges are unlocked, these changes will help you cope and grow. If you’re not upgrading yourself, the divine will keep postponing your next chapters of growth and lessons because you need more time to be ready. After all, the divine knows that you won’t be able to handle them.

Angelic numbers are a sign that you need to grow and learn, not magic.

Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?

What does it mean to keep seeing synchronicity numbers (1111, 222, 333, etc.) everywhere after a breakup with someone you love or have a connection with?

I don’t pay attention to stuff like this, and it can cause paranoia, make you second guess your actions, and sometimes cause you to make the wrong decisions. I look at life in the way that if something happens or you make a decision, it is meant to be. 

I don’t believe in signs from the universe and all that fancy jazz. It makes things much more simple and leaves little to question about life. To think that I may have made a decision that I was not supposed to make following some grand scheme leaves too much to question and can drive a person batty thinking about what could have or should have been. 

It is most likely simply coincidence that you notice this number of organizations after a breakup, or perhaps you feel regret about something to do with how your breakup went, so it is your mind’s way of looking for something to tell you you made the right or wrong choice where there is nothing there to tell you yes or no, right or wrong. 

Don’t drive yourself crazy over nothing. If you broke up with someone, then, for you at least, it was the right decision, and that’s that, plain as day, simple, and leaves no doubt. Move on with your life and be sound of mind for your choice; if you were meant to be together, then you would be.

Why am I seeing angel number 111, 1111, 444, 333, 222, 117, 110 etc?

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