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Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

There are many excellent answers here already. My mother was born in the USA. Half of my siblings took out U.S. citizenship. I considered it as a dual Canada-US. 

Now that the USA is taxing my nieces and nephews living in Canada, they are trying to give up their U.S. citizenship but are finding it more complex. And so, I am very glad I did not choose to accept U.S. citizenship but have joint Australian instead.

Born in northern Alberta, I have always hated the long, dark, cold winters. I suffer from Seasonally Affected Depressive Disorder Syndrome, where February in Canada becomes hell. So, the one reason I ever considered moving to the USA was for the sun. Then there are the mosquitos in the north. 

I am allergic to mosquito bites but have always worked outdoors. And in Northern Ontario, there are the biting black flies. Terrible! So, escaping biting insects is a plus for America.

Yes, Canada has awesome scenery, but America has much more variety. There are heaps of high mountain passes in the U.S., but also gorgeous farmland and Grand Canyon and Painted Deserts, no shortage of great scenery. America wins by a hair there.

Education: I went to school in Canada but compared the curricula with my American cousins. Canadians learn a lot more about the rest of the world from an early age. We were always a year or more ahead in mathematics. 

But Americans seemed to have more fun at school than I did. They did FFA and built neat things like portable cattle loading ramps. They played more sports during school time than we did. They took these amazing grad photos of confident, happy kids. Our Canadian photos looked nerdy by comparison.

And then, the Vietnam War and conscription came along. There was huge propaganda that these kids were fighting to save democracy. But still, the kids flocked to Canada as draft dodgers. They didn’t want to die to save some rich Asian from being forced to share what he had with his neighbors! 

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

Communism was always a dirty word in the USA. In Canada, we used to say if you were not a communist at age 16, you had no heart, but if you were still a communist at age 25, you have no brains! In America, kids were told they had to serve their country by fighting in somebody else’s war. And if they survived and returned, they were treated badly.

They had PTSD, V.D., STDs, survivor guilt, and drug addictions. And they were ignored by governments. They realized all the propaganda had been just that. They started to mistrust their government. They brought violence back with them. And I became glad I was not American.

Friendliness: Americans generally wear a veneer of being very friendly. Like Canadians say they are sorry for everything, Americans want you to have a nice day. Dig a little deeper, and you find it is mostly fake. If I go into a bank in America, a greeter might welcome me and ask where they can direct me. 

The employee I need to see starts friendly but very soon doesn’t want to make any effort to help. I’ve run into this many times. If in Australia or Canada, you managed to find someone that friendly, you know they will do anything to help. It’s a very different culture. Their friendliness goes right to the core. Not worn like a pasted-on smile.

Guns: don’t get me started. In Canada, guns are for hunting. Period. In America, guns have become a symbol of freedom. I was in America for 6 months recently. The gun nonsense got to me so much that I couldn’t wait to get back to Canada, where people are sane!

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

Medical: already well described. Americans have extremely variable levels of medical care, from woeful in rural areas to excellent in certain clinics, but it is all dreadfully expensive. As are all medications expensive too. Canada has pretty even medical care, just pretty good, but it is free. And medications are cheap by comparison.

Wages: America used to pay better wages than Canada. But that all changed during Reagan’s era. Now, 40% of Americans need two jobs to survive, or they live below the poverty line. Canadian wages are atrocious if you are an employer but adequate if you are earning them.

Taxes: Canadians are taxed more heavily at the higher end, but Americans are taxed more at the lower end. In Canada, as much tax goes into maintaining infrastructure as goes into defense spending in America. And now, any American citizens working and living in Canada have been surprised by the IRS. Some states, as well as some provinces, have higher taxes.

I could go on and on. Thank you for having the patience to read all this. I still love Canada, but I am glad I can live in Australia to address the negatives of Canada. It would be really hard for me actually to live in the USA.

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Is living in the U.S. better than living in Canada?

My girlfriend and I compare living in the U.S. Vs. Canada all the time. She lives in the U.S., And I am Canadian. I could write a book on reasons I believe life in Canada is better than in the States, but to be fair, I will quote only those that she has stated. (* we have been together for over a decade)

  • Healthcare: she works in a cancer center in a hospital, so her opinion is very much based on her experience. Single-payer healthcare, as most of the world knows, is much better and fairer than multi-payer systems. She sees too many people who wait until they are stage 4 because they can’t afford treatment, so they leave it until it’s too late. Not only that, but Canadian healthcare costs 50% less than the U.S. (cost as a % of GDP)
  • Because the Canadian gov’t pays our health insurance, they have a vested interest in keeping us HEALTHY. That’s why products that are unhealthy (cigs, liquor, gas, fast food) are taxed more heavily, while healthy things (sports, fresh food, etc.) are subsidized or have tax deductions.
  • Because of this, 24% of Canadians are obese, compared to 36% of Americans.
  • Canadians live an average of 3 years longer than Americans.
  • We have a lower infant mortality rate.
  • Another by-product of free healthcare is that it makes it more advantageous for companies to open businesses in Canada; no business needs to include healthcare in their benefits packages.
  • Health care aside:
  • Canada’s population’s average net worth is $363,000 higher than Americans.
  • New working parents get 50 paid weeks of parental leave vs 12 unpaid weeks in the U.S.
  • It is illegal for Natural Gas and Hydro (electric) utility companies to cut off services for late payment during the winter months.
  • The U.S. kills and incarcerates more of its citizens than any other country in the world. In 2016, Canada had incarcerated 114 per 100,000 people (and killed 0); the U.S. Incarcerated 724 per 100,000 and killed 43 prisoners.
  • Canada’s murder rate is 1.73 per 100,000 people compared to 4.7 in the U.S.
  • We have 5 major federal parties that win seats in the House of Commons. The U.S. Has virtually only 2. This means Canadians have more representation in government.
  • Donations to political candidates are capped at $1,550 and can only be made by citizens. No corporate donations, no PACS or SuperPacs
  • The number of wealthy politicians is far lower than in the U.S. Most Canadian politicians are lawyers, doctors, teachers, journalists, farmers, tradespeople, etc. Nearly 0 millionaires.

This is my shortlist, but these are some of the most important.

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?
Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

Is the United States a better country to live in than its larger neighbor, Canada? Why or why not?

I consider myself eligible to answer this question, having lived and worked… in both countries.

It depends on you and your aspirations.

First, let me crack this open: if you have the “American dream” of working and earning a respectable living and having a family and being happy and blah blah blah, Go to Canada. I’ll explain in the following.

Canada’s pros and cons:


  1. Great for families: Universal health care, subsidized daycare, quality schooling for kids, lower crime, clean environment, effective multiculturalism.
  2. Great for family reunions: Again, it’s a family thing, but once you establish yourself, Canada offers programs for bringing your parents over to the country. Such an option, even though it exists in the US, usually takes more than the parents ‘ remaining lifetime.
  3. Linear immigration. In Canada, the easiest path is the path written down on the CIC website. No lawyer, no special requirements; I say it based on first-hand experience; if you have the qualifications for immigration, you must apply and wait, that’s it.


  1. You don’t want to be single in Canada while earning money. The tax bracket would kill you. It is much easier as a family, but Canada does not favor singles. Logical though, you must help the tax base.
  2. Entrepreneurial activities are slightly more challenging in Canada. We like to think they are not, but they are. Canada is a well-regulated country. Banks are far more scrutinized there, and in return, they are rather risk-averse.
  3. Canada’s options are limited. Let me tell you, unless you want to push it to extremes, you either go to GTA like others, move to Vancouver if you are rich and retiring, or move to Montreal if you are a student. I loved living as a student in Montreal, but holy molly, once you start working, they tax the bejesus out of you.

I’m going to put this one as neutral but as a serious condition. Canada has an inherent socio-cultural disconnect. Someone was joking. If you are a black person wearing a Sikh Turban and a Kimono, no one would turn a neck to bother with you. We have a respectful society but, like I said, very disengaged. Some people like it, and some don’t. It’s true, though.

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Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

US pros and cons:


  1. Great for professional individuals or families with no kids in prime health. Unless they are unlucky and end up in the hospital, in that case, well, let’s “pray for them.” Lower tax brackets. Better pay for the Pros.
  2. A vast selection of tastes is covered. One of the reasons why Americans are terrible in geography is technically because they have everything in their own country, and that’s true.
  3. If you hit the jackpot with a killer idea, you can be rich, and the system has a feed-forward loop; the more you earn, the less ( relatively) you pay. If you dream of being a billionaire, you should head south. Buyers should be aware, though, that it is more than likely a dream.
  4. Unless you live in Mountain View, things are less expensive in the south. I’m effectively paying half the price of Canadian gas in the US, for instance, and groceries are also more affordable.
  5. Americans are more likely to invite you over for a BBQ. It has something to do with being more socially engaged.

Overall, if a random person reads my posts, he/she will not get a very positive view of the US from my posts, but I first try to separate American people from their system. Americans are generally very decent folk. It’s just that when it comes to their system, they are seriously in a double denial.


  1. Health care cost: Don’t get sick here seriously. You receive quality service in hospitals and healthcare centers, but it will cost you dearly.
  2. Gun violence: It isn’t very pleasant. What is news in GTA is routine in any major US city.
  3. Public education: Varies. If you are not in an affluent neighborhood, your kids are screwed.
  4. American average lifestyle is extremely unhealthy. If you don’t open your eyes, within a year, you end up with a belly swinging on your knees.

Is the standard of living higher in Canada than in the United States?

Canadian here, lived in and knew the US.

The average quality of life is better in Canada. The average daily standard of living in monetary terms is higher in the US.

Our lives are longer, on average, in Canada.

Our access to higher education at affordable costs is massively better in Canada.

Our healthcare is not problematic from cradle to grave and won’t change our fiscal lifestyle as we age in Canada. Everyone has it; we all pay for it together.

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?
Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

We have fewer flashy toys in Canada and less disparity of wealth.

We have less anger in Canada.

We have more water and renewable resources per capita in Canada.

I could go on and on.

Which standard of living were you referring to?

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

Is Canada much worse than the US?

I’m an immigrant in the USA, but I heard a lot of people making fun of people who live in Canada. So, is Canada really much worse than the US?

I had a family member who immigrated to the US from Latin America. She wanted to move to Canada because my mom and her were friends. While she was in the US with cousins I have there, they told her Canada was shit and nothing compared to the US.

She ended up moving to Canada anyway—my cousins were trying to use her as cheap labor. After living in Canada for a few years, she realized what most immigrants that chose Canada over the US realize: while the weather sucks in Canada, it’s still better than the USA in terms of quality of life.

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Not every immigrant feels the same, though. The US does have nice places, and Americans, in general, are nice.

But it did anger me when people talked smack about Canada, and they never even visited.

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

How different is life in Canada from that of the U.S.?

I’m American, and I’ve lived in Canada for 11 years now. I’m from the New York City area, and I’ve lived in Washington, DC, Toronto, and now Edmonton. I’m a huge fan of both countries.

However, for whatever reason, answers seem to tend toward the extreme left, so I’m not surprised to see “no one in the U.S. has healthcare, they all have handguns, they are all homophobes and racists and full of themselves.” 

Well, as any American from the Northeast or other metropolitan areas will tell you, that’s not true. Unfortunately, Canadians don’t have a moral high ground over their southern neighbors. It’s a shame how indigenous are treated here, and healthcare is great, but it also has its problems. 

And I’ve met many, many homophobes and racists in Canada. It’s a bit more than in the NYC or D.C. area. Sadly, there are bad actors on both sides of the border. I wish it weren’t so.

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

To answer the question, life is similar in the U.S. vs Canada when you look at the hundreds of countries in the world. The U.S. and Canada are more like each other than they are like any other country.

On the whole, Canada is more easygoing than the U.S. The business culture is slower, and people, in general, take a little less risk and enjoy life more. Life is easier here, so people don’t face as much adversity and tend to avoid it if possible. 

For example, the military is almost non-existent here now. Canada is also more family-oriented than the U.S. People rarely make decisions where they put work over family. It’s very much Shangra-la if a steady, secure, and conflict-free life appeals to you.

The U.S., on the whole, is more dynamic, more aggressive, and more adventurous. We’re always looking for ways to make things better, no matter how hard it may seem. The status quo needs to be better. 

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

The American dream is the embodiment of that risk-taker mentality we were all brainwashed into at an early age. We tend to “do” more than “be.” The “doing” urge occasionally causes Americans to put work over family.

As with anything, these are gross generalizations. You can find tons of “go get ’em” in Canada, and you can find plenty of laid-back folks in the U.S.

Both countries stand for similar rights and freedoms and are admirable in doing so. They can both be great. There is room for two at the top. And they both are right there!

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?
Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

Edit: A lot of people are reading this, so I wanted to make one thing clear. By saying that life isn’t all that different, I am not saying the countries themselves don’t both have their own wonderful, unique cultures. Similar doesn’t mean the same.

The variance in culture is greater by region within each country than it is across the border – as a whole.

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Is it easier to live in Canada or the U.S.?

I’ve spent a considerable amount of time on both. I live in Canada now. The 2 countries have a lot in common, but their differences make them distinct.

Both Canada and the USA give their citizens and residents privileges and opportunities that no other country can offer. Sure, other 1st world countries are as wealthy, but they offer fewer possibilities beyond their niches than the 2 countries. 

Innovation starts or at least flourishes in both. Do you have a great idea? Great, there’s always a market for that here. Do you want to specialize in something so niche? There will always be an opportunity to get an apprenticeship for it here. All you have to do is work your ass off. And work f*cking hard.


The countries differ in culture. In Canada, it is entrenched in the zeitgeist of the people, the idea of human rights. Sure, we may argue whether $15 is too much or too little for minimum wage. 

We also argue a lot more about hockey than we do politics. But we support unions in any province. We understand why universal health care is important. We understand why 1-year maternity leave should be the law. We understand why the children MUST be in school. We don’t argue about these things. To Canadians, that’s a fact.

For the USA, you have states that actually discourage making unions, for example, the at-will working states. Parental leave lasts at least a few weeks to 3 months, and that depends on your employer. They’re not required to give you that.

And although you should put your kids to school, the quality of education depends on what you can afford. Hence, the Ivy League scandal has been a hot topic in the news.

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?

Americans will get so defensive when criticized about their country. The fact of the matter is the only thing that is of quality in their nation is their military firepower. Even then, their soldiers and veterans are treated like sh!t.

Let’s not forget you will die if you’re broke. In Canada, you get put on a waitlist when you need surgery and such. For dire conditions, you get priority. Americans would criticize Canadian health care for the wait time. 

They don’t realize that in the USA, you also get put on a waitlist if you need surgery. But if you are really in a bad condition, that doesn’t make you a priority; it will be how much money you can pay, or else you can die waiting. The only thing the Canadian government doesn’t cover is your parking fee in the hospital.

That’s my perspective. Take it as you will.

In what ways is the United States of America better than Canada?

The only thing I can come up with is the weather in some places of the U.S. Chicago and New York have similar winters to Toronto. Still, you have Arizona, California, and Georgia, which we only dream of having.

In the U.S., you can travel east, west, or south and find beautiful weather, but we can travel east and west and still pick the best travel seasons. Our Atlantic provinces are the most gorgeous, but you would never travel there in January.

Which is the better place to live: Canada or the USA?