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What power is there in ignoring someone?

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What power is there in ignoring someone?

What power is there in ignoring someone?

Huge power. Huge.

The key is not to use it as some cheap, manipulative tactic. It’s got to be because you know what’s what, and you’re not willing to waste another precious moment.

When you ignore someone for genuine reasons like the fact that they’re irrelevant, that they had their chance but f*cked up, that you’re better than that, or that you don’t give a sh!t, it’s the most liberating feeling.

You can be the kindest, most compassionate person in the world, but ignoring a shit stain is okay. It’s MORE THAN OKAY. It doesn’t make you callous or cold. It makes you self-respecting.

Life’s short.

Don’t waste time engaging with the waste of space. Ignoring them is your non-verbal method of saying that you don’t care. Because you don’t.

I have to chuckle. An ex of mine (one of life’s truest a$$bags) kept emailing me after he cheated and left. He could only email because I’d blocked him everywhere else. Emails still get through, even if you block them.

I didn’t read a single one of those emails. He may have ranted on for pages, as far as I was aware. Never opened them, never read them.

He kept writing. Haha! No doubt, he had crafted each email to contain maximum punch, the bully that he was. But, every syllable and word went unread. He didn’t know this, but I did. And therein lies the power.

Not the power you have over the other person, but the power you have within yourself (i.e., not reading their emails even when no one’s looking) 

Seriously, why would I care what an earthworm has to say? 

Actually, I would be interested in conversing with a literal earthworm. ‘How in God’s name do you guys keep wriggling even after you’ve been accidentally cut in half?’

But, a human worm? No.

Peeps, you’re worth more than wasting valuable minutes listening to or engaging with wastes of space.

What power is there in ignoring someone?

Ignoring someone can have a powerful impact since it sends the message that you do not want to engage with the person. It can be used to let the person know that their words or actions are not acceptable to you and won’t be tolerated. 

Ignoring someone can also have a strong emotional impact, as the person may feel rejected or disrespected. In some cases, it may cause the person to change their behavior as they become aware that their words and actions are not making the desired impression.

Ignoring someone can have a powerful impact since it sends the message that you do not want to engage with the person. It can be used to let the person know that their words or actions are not acceptable to you and won’t be tolerated. 

Ignoring someone can also have a strong emotional impact, as the person may feel rejected or disrespected. In some cases, it may cause the person to change their behavior as they become aware that their words and actions are not making the desired impression.

What power is there in ignoring someone?

What is the best thing to do when someone ignores you?

Before I answer this. Please ask yourself these questions:-

  1. Who is that person? (Importance)
  2. Does your presence or absence make any change to that person?
  3. Is he/she really ignoring you?
  4. Do you do something that is making him/her ignore you?

Okay, now let’s answer your question.

Firstly, the best thing to do is ignore that person! Honestly, bring yourself some mental peace and stop checking on that person. Stop sending messages; even if you feel like replying, give dry responses.

Get busy. It is the best solution. Start working on your life, think about your goals, and work on them.

Think of the future. I mean, ask yourself, will this person (or his/her texts) matter to me in the coming 5 years of my life? If no, then move on.

Lastly, life is small; look for people who hype you up and make you feel good. Hope this helps 🙂

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What is the psychology behind ignoring?

If you’re asking about ignoring a person, as in someone is ignoring your calls, texts, and communication in general, it’s about trying to control you. You can see this in kids when they ignore you when you talk to them. 

And it stems from a point of weakness. The child is trying to control your behavior in a manipulative manner. The worst thing you can do is try to reach out over and over again to try to get their attention. Leave them alone. 

Even with kids, that is the right method of parenting them when they are ignoring you. It’s one of the most hurtful things anyone can do to you. The person ignoring you claims they are not doing anything and avoids feelings of guilt associated with acting hurtful.

However, this is an instance where doing nothing is the same as doing something offensive. Again, as in parenting, you can not claim in court that you didn’t do anything for your infant when they were in danger, so you’re not guilty. 

Doing nothing is the reason you will be prosecuted. Under normal circumstances, there is no reason why anyone should ignore another person. The person should always ask you not to contact them, and the polite response should be not to contact them.

What power is there in ignoring someone?

What is the power of ignoring someone? Is ignorance really felt? Does it hurt?

Ignoring someone can hurt if the person being ignored cares for or wants something from the one who ignores them.

I have found that the true power of ignoring someone who hurts or bothers you is that it sets you free from them, enabling you to pursue your happiness.

Freedom comes when you learn to let go 

Creation comes when you learn to say no

What should I do if the person I’m in love with ignores me?

That feeling of true love will never go away completely. With time, you will learn to live with that pain, and your heart will learn to live with it.

If you love him/her truly, then it isn’t easy to get over him/her and get over that love. There is no easy way to unlove a person. Accept that your feelings for him/her are true, deep, and real, and acknowledge and feel that emotion. Feel that love and also feel that pain completely.

Then wish him/her well and try to stay away, for you want him/her to be happy if you truly love him/her. Don’t fake your feelings. Cry if you want to, get angry if you want to, but process all those emotions fully. Time may lessen the pain. 

Keep in mind that you will never be completely over him/her, but you will have to start to learn to live with it. I can completely empathize with you, and I know that pain as I have been going through the same for four long years.

What power is there in ignoring someone?

It is tough, but I want her to be happy even if it doesn’t involve being with me. Love is about wanting the other to be happy, not about possession. My two cents.

You never heal completely from breaking up with your true love, especially if you still love them and they were the ones who initiated the breakup and left. You will only learn to live with that pain with time.

The heart always wants what it wants. The problem is to silence the mind. Accept that unrequited love is really painful. Move on for now, and if it is true and meant to be, it will definitely be someday.

What power is there in ignoring someone?
What power is there in ignoring someone?

Unrequited love is really painful. Especially if your feelings are genuine and you love him/her to the truest of your senses. It kills you every day to realize that he/she doesn’t love you back yet. And worse is getting ignored. 

But the thing about love is it is always unconditional. You love him/her because you want to, not because you want him/her to love you back. That’s what love is all about. Just be true to your feelings and try to stay away from him/her in order to avoid the pain.

Unrequited love is one of the most painful things we can ever experience. It’s not even like getting over a dead person. Getting over someone you love truly is an extremely difficult task. 

Someday, your heart will learn to live with it. It may not completely move on, but it will try to heal and live with it.


Care is sometimes misunderstood as pestering.

Love is sometimes misunderstood as pestering.

Not moving on is sometimes misunderstood as a weakness.

Not letting go is sometimes misunderstood as stubbornness.

Take care and learn to live with that pain. It will get better with time.

What power is there in ignoring someone?

How do you manipulate a manipulator who is ignoring you?

Ignore them. Eventually, they will either come around, or they will exit. Either way, it’s okay. Once you don’t buy into the manipulation, you win. It is hard sometimes, especially when you are a sensitive person, but it is like putting more wood on the fire when you get upset or in any way respond to manipulation. 

When you ignore them, the fire has nothing to feed upon, and eventually, it will burn itself out. It may be a painful process, but it is necessary. It also teaches the manipulator that their tactics do not affect you. Just do your best to let it go.

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How do I handle when someone ignores me?

I’ve dealt with this situation 2 times in the last 3 years. One time with a male best friend and another time with a crush.

There are generally 3 reasons for ignorance-

1. Misunderstanding: Created by her, you, or someone else.

2. Boredom: Maybe she found the better company, and in comparison to her current company, you aren’t that hot.

3. Personal slight: Maybe you did something she didn’t appreciate much. The most benevolent deeds can be twisted into the most horrendous crimes when they are subject to the cognition of another human. Perception brah.

I don’t know the exact nature of your relationship, but Confrontation or Moving on are your only two options; what you are doing right now is a middle ground.

“Once you feel avoided by someone, never disturb them again–rule of a happy life. “

What should you do when someone ignores you for no reason?

Sorry, this is happening to you. Unfortunately, at some point, we all have been treated like trash and ignored by someone who we care about the cause; you know what?

They are trash.

This is what you do; you f*cking ignore them back !!!!! I learned this the hard way. It may seem frustrating cause you really like them and dont understand why they are doing this, but the worst thing you can do is stick around and wait for a response from these types of trash, pathetic excuses for people.

They know that they are ignoring you, and they enjoy it and can care less how you feel. And if you express any unhappiness to them, it will make them smirk inside and feel like they have the upper hand on you; see, these people feed off this kind of stuff, and it makes them feel better about themselves. 

They can care less how you feel cause they know you will be there, and they know they have you wrapped around their finger, and some dont even care AT ALL. 

What power is there in ignoring someone?

I say F*ck them, ignore them block them, stop thinking about them. How they are ignoring, make new friends, karma will bite them in @ss when it time, it always does, maybe not today or tomorrow or next month. 

Still, these people get a dose of their own medicine in due time, and it’s not pretty when it happens, so skrew them, get them out of your mind, and talk to people who will never ignore you. 

We are all busy, and everybody’s lives are filled with endless things every day, but it only takes a few seconds to text someone that they are busy and will text as soon as they have time, but at the moment, they are super backed up. 

Ignoring someone is not cool, and you should never feel this way; real friends give you a heads up, and trash people keep you waiting and feeling bad. Forget this person and enjoy life.

What power is there in ignoring someone?

How do you ignore someone who ignores you on purpose and makes you feel bad?

Do not respond; make him feel that you don’t simply care and have moved on with this thing!

Don’t let him know that you are hurt; always keep smiling not only in front of him but in reality, too.

You should never compromise your self-respect with anything because, trust me, the one who will love you will always respect you and will never try to hurt you for whatever reason!

Live on your own choices, but make sure you don’t hurt people, especially yourself.

I know it may be tough, but you have to do it. Otherwise, he may make it a play game and hurt you further with his stupid ignorance because he might not know what kind of gem he is throwing off!

What power is there in ignoring someone?

Would it be worth it if I ignored people who ignored me in the back?

#Personal experience… Talk about reality

I think so. If you are being ignored, that means the person doesn’t value you, or even if he/she does, he doesn’t know it. Ignoring someone who ignores you will have the following impact:

1. You will feel good. And after some time, you will also not care for them or not remember them.

2. It may happen after they realize your value. Human tendency, you know.

3. If they dont, then a good thing for you as you will remove a nondeserving person from your life.

4. There is so much population. In the end, you will find people who will not ignore you and want to stay with you. But only when you stop thinking about people who ignore you.

5. It makes you strong.

So stop thinking about nonsense, people!

When someone ignores you without any reason, why would they do that?

It may be because he/she doesn’t think you are important. Or he/she doesn’t think that you might be worth their time.

That’s no reason for you to be sad. It’s actually better he did it, or you would have been with someone who doesn’t value your time.

So find someone worth spending time with and someone who values your time at the same time.

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Why do people ignore you all of a sudden, even when you haven’t done anything wrong?


In my life, I had a lot of people like that in my school and even college. If you’re doing well in the subjects, you achieved something really high, or you impressed the faculty, then there are chances that people are jealous of you.

If you’re really good-looking or have an amazing talent, you will get a lot of compliments, but you never know that deep inside the person, the devil of jealousy may have his abode.


Sometimes, people spread rumors about you, or they broadcast your ‘weird’ story to everyone. Others who heard your tale will normally ignore you or act differently. 

Without analyzing the story, without asking you for your side of the story, without putting themselves in your shoes, they will judge you and ignore you even if you did them no wrong.


Sometimes, people will observe you and ignore you for every minute mistake you make. They’ll remember every wrong action done by you and will ignore you. They’ll only ignore you till you, yourself, ask them the reason for the sudden ignorance.

What power is there in ignoring someone?

How should I behave with someone who ignores me in the group?

If the person is ignoring you because of a past fight or argument or something that you did that, hurt them, then go ahead, talk to them politely, find what it is & resolve it, because a lot of times people ignore you when you hurt them knowingly or unknowingly or when they are unable to express their anger towards you.

If the person ignores you for no reason, then you must do the same! Act like you don’t give a f*ck, and you must actually not give a f*ck! Because self-respect matters. Why do you want to be friends or talk to a person who doesn’t consider you fit for their attention or the slightest concern?

In my opinion, F*ck it 😀

Because there will always be better people who will respect you, love you, and never leave you alone in your times of need.

What power is there in ignoring someone?
What power is there in ignoring someone?

Should I ignore him after he hurt me?

TBH, you should ignore him and cut him out of your life; I know it will probably hurt you, but honestly, it will hurt him more. 

Whether they even realize it or not, it is true. If a guy is a quality guy and cares about you enough and is even worth YOUR time to have around, yes, he will eventually come around and start to “behave” if you ignore him.

Pass. Either you do it or get emotionally compromised so he can hurt you, or you blatantly ignore him so you won’t get hurt again.

From my own experience, I hate it when I can’t stop thinking about that one person, and deep down inside, I know he probably hasn’t thought about me once.

You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy. Somebody who doesn’t complicate your life. Somebody who won’t hurt you. Remember that!

How do I learn to let go of people who ignore me all of a sudden?


You are a very important person. Just know that you should learn to respond with self-esteem.

If someone ignores you and you have tried to talk it out with them, but it is still in vain, please learn to let them be.

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They really do not deserve you. It is tough, especially when they are close to you. But remember, nobody should be closer to you than your self. Please do not interpret this as being selfish.

Just be yourself. Value yourself and let them be.

Letting them off is just a matter of thought.


What power is there in ignoring someone?


There’s a lot of power in ignoring someone, provided that we have taken the time to examine the situation and the people involved carefully.

Choosing to ignore someone is not the same as unthinkingly avoiding them. The key is to pay attention and mindfully choose to engage with only what is wise and kind. Unproductive and negative thoughts and acts can then be turned away or cease to deserve your attention.

Your mind is your property. You have the power to allow people in or keep them out. Your obligation to yourself is to keep your property clean, peaceful, and beautiful.

What power is there in ignoring someone?

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