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What is the backstory of Sans in Undertale?

What is the backstory of Sans in Undertale?

What is the backstory of Sans in Undertale?

That’s a subject that’s a bit blurry. The most we’ve gotten in the game about where he came from is that he and his brother, Papyrus, just kind of “showed up one day.”

But if you’re subscribed to the Toby Fox Undertale/Deltarune newsletter in one of the higher categories, there’s a unique moment that sticks out among all the other goofy banter. 

Someone asks, “What do you remember before Snowdin?” and he says something like, “Well, there was green grass, and…” before Sans cuts him off, and the interview ends. 

Some believe he is talking about the surface, maybe the grass in a waterfall or somewhere else entirely. A link between Undertale and Deltarune may be possible. But what do I know?

What is the backstory of Sans in Undertale?

Sans is a character in the indie video game Undertale, released in 2015. He is one of the game’s major characters and plays a significant role in the story. The backstory of Sans is gradually revealed throughout the game’s storyline.

According to the game’s lore, Sans and his brother Papyrus are skeleton monsters who live in the underground kingdom of the game’s protagonist. This human child has fallen into the underground. Sans is depicted as being laid-back, often telling jokes and making puns, but also as being perceptive and observant.

As the game progresses, it is revealed that Sans has some mysterious abilities, including the ability to manipulate time and space, and he is also aware that the game’s world is a video game. It is suggested that he has a greater understanding of the game’s universe than any other character, and he uses his knowledge to guide the player character and influence the outcome of the game’s story.

Later in the game, it is revealed that Sans is actually the older brother of another character, a scientist named Gaster, who disappeared while experimenting with time and space. It is suggested that Sans is still mourning his brother’s disappearance and that it may have played a role in the development of his unique abilities.

Overall, Sans is a complex and enigmatic character in Undertale, and his backstory is an important part of the game’s narrative.

Who is Sans Undertale?

He’s the one on the right. The one giving you a bad time.

The one who was making you hate him with every fiber of your being until you finally beat him. Then, it makes you cry for the 100000000th time when you hear his last bit of dialogue.

Pro tip: Take him seriously when his eye sockets are blank. Or when one eye is blue.

In Undertale, is Sans a villain?

My answer is no. In a Neutral or Pacifist route, Sans never tries to interfere with your quest. He says that he would have killed you if he hadn’t made a promise with Toriel, but unlike most other monsters, he never tries to capture you.

In the Genocide route, however, he turns on you. Still, by that point, you’ve not only killed his brother and countless other monsters but become a threat to all existence, so stopping you is not at all criminal (a bit like how Undyne is “a true hero” in her fight with you on the Genocide route).

If you’re an Undertale fan, who is your favorite Sans?

If “Classic Sans” isn’t an option, I would pick Sans from the comic/universe Inverted Fate. He seems to be the only Sans that isn’t a cliché of his new role or that has no reason to exist. The main characters from Inverted Fate have similar roles as in Underswap but keep their personalities. 

The world is built around these characters. The timeline is actually plausible.

I don’t condone “AUs” in the fandom, so I like almost none of them. If I had to pick, my favorite Sans would be Inverted Fate Sans.

Who is stronger: Sans or Asriel Dreemurr (Undertale)?

Sans is strong, but he has 1 HP, and defense can only deal 1 damage if you play the genocide route and fight Sans; he deals more than 1 damage because of his KR (Karmic Retribution).

How Sans’ KR works is that the more LOVE (Level Of Violence), the more deadly Sans’ KR will damage you, but if you gained no LOVE, Sans can only deal 1 damage on you.

What about Asriel Dreemurr?

He is so OP in the verse that his stats are literally infinite when he transforms.

He can deal infinite damage, has infinite defense, and has infinite HP. How can Sans even damage Asriel? It’s literally a fight that Sans can’t win.

So yeah, Asriel wins against Sans with ease.

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What made the battle of Sans so epic in Undertale?

Alright, let’s first talk about the background. Normally, you play Pacifist before the genocide. You don’t fight him in all the other runs, even neutral, so seeing your soul appearing in that hitbox gives some surprise for the player, hyping them up, especially with Sans’s opening, describing a beautiful day than telling you should be burning in hell and beat you up immediately.

Now, going back a bit on this run, you have been crushing through all of the bosses. Toriel, Papyrus, and especially Mettaton all fall to one strike. 

Most people think that after Undyne, you will start facing difficult bosses, but one shooting Muffet and Mettaton makes the player think there will be no one in our way until Asgore or Flowey, with Sans, the judge not being seen at all after his brother’s death. Being stopped at that corridor instantly tells you that you are going to the king slowly.

Now, we talk about the battle itself.

The second Sans finishes his dialogue, and he hits you instantly. There is no need to press Z to start; Sans takes control, hitting you with a barrage of bones and blasters. Any first-time player will die or be left with barely any health. 

Assuming you survive, you will likely be shocked, going WTF just happened and taking your time while Megalovania starts playing. I don’t need to describe the song and how it excites the battle. Sans’s attack is either fast, complex, or both. Yes, you can learn the pattern, but anytime you start mashing your arrow keys, your heart will beat faster.

I will end it off with Sans’s dialogue. He has always been rooting for you until now, and his dialogue blames you for messing up timelines and destroying monsters.

 It really gives the vibe of a final battle, with Sans being the last stand against the maniac. And since you would have played Pacifist before, his words will hurt way more than they should.

Of course, there are more small things that make this fight way better, but I included the most important stuff here.

In Undertale, is Sans a villain?

Not really. He will try to kill you if you do the genocide route, but can you really blame him? You killed everyone he loved and basically destroyed the whole Underground. And if you do the pacifist route, he won’t try to kill you, unlike some other characters who will try to kill you anyway. So no, Sans isn’t a villain.

Undertale/Detarune spoilers: Do you think Sans could be a Lancer instead of a human?

Neither of those is a possibility. While fans do have their headcanons about Sans, some things will always ring true about him.

For one, Sans can’t be Lancer. They are two separate entities. Sans is already his character in Deltarune, and one cannot simply consider the game to take place in an alternate connected universe.

Secondly, Sans isn’t a human, whether or not he’s Lancer. He’s a monster that lives in the Underground (or on the surface, depending on which game is being considered).

That is unless you support the theory that Sans was once Ness. 😉

Who would win, Sans (Undertale) or Error Sans (Errortale)?

Definitely Error. While Classic is powerful, he will still, at some point, lose to a genocidal kid who can come back literally infinitely. On the other hand, Error can destroy the Universe, and Classic would no longer exist, as well as Classic’s Universe.

Winner: Error!Sans

(by the way, to clarify, Error isn’t from Errortale; his origin is that he was once Geno! Sans but messed with Determination too much once he got out, leading him to end up in the Anti-Void, where he went insane.)

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Is Sans the weakest character in Undertale?

Oh my god, why are you asking this? He literally has 1 HP, 1 ATK, and 1 DEF. You just don’t beat him because he actually reacts to your attacks and dodges, unlike all the others you killed in your Genocide Run. His attacks deal 1 damage, but he’s got KR, so it stacks to more damage if you get hit by it.

What if Sans could restart in Undertale?

If Sans could restart in Undertale, it would completely alter the game’s dynamics and narrative. Sans is a unique character known for his difficulty and involvement in key moments, particularly during the game’s Genocide route. 

His ability to reset would grant him a significant advantage and potentially change the outcome of battles and events. This would likely result in a much more challenging experience for the player, as Sans would continuously adapt and improve his strategies with each reset. 

Additionally, the narrative implications are substantial, as Sans’ knowledge of previous timelines could affect the choices and actions of other characters. Ultimately, if Sans could restart in Undertale, it would introduce a whole new level of complexity and unpredictability to the game.

Who is the strongest Sans in Undertale?

Sans. There is one Sans in Undertale. The Underverse? That depends. Do we count Undertale as part of the Underverse, or is the Underverse just fanons? If we count the Undertale world, then anyone saying something other than canon Sans needs to be more accurate. Keep in mind classic Sans and canon Sans are two different characters. 

While classic Sans is a representation of canon Sans from Undertale, it isn’t a canon Sans appearance as the Au authors don’t possess dominion over Undertale. 

Canon Sans is also a MONSTER. Yeah, they all are, but what I mean by this is that when fighting classic Sans, you may get the occasional bone gaster blaster or blue attack, as well as a dodge or two, probably some gaster blaster riding, all typical stuff for any au sans.

The original Sans will eradicate your body, will, and soul in a millisecond and then proceed to turn your life into hell for the next hours to weeks, depending on how experienced you are in playing video games. 

Classic Sans is killed after being tired. Canon Sans keeps dodging after he “fell asleep” and is only killable if you’re Chara and break the game and its laws. He will also hit you while it’s your turn, stop time, abuse the mechanics of the game, and remember between resets(although fanon/classic Sans also does that in some cases). 

Canon Sans is capable of casually one-shotting every tier 0 character on the VSB wiki and pretty much Anyone in fiction. Classic Sans would struggle against Error Sans.

What is the difference between Asriel Dreemurr and Sans in Undertale?

Asriel Dreemurr and Sans are characters from the popular video game “Undertale.” Although they share some similarities, they are distinct characters with different backgrounds, motivations, and personalities.

Asriel Dreemurr is the main antagonist of the game’s final act, “Asriel’s Arc.” He is the former king of the Underworld and the father of the game’s protagonist, Asgore. Asriel is a tragic figure who seeks to reunite with his son by absorbing the souls of other creatures in the Underground. He is known for his god-like powers and his ruthless pursuit of his goals.

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Sans is a skeleton and a sentry who first appears in the game’s “Snowdin” region. He is known for his laid-back personality and his love of puns. Despite his lighthearted demeanor, Sans has a strong sense of justice and is capable of fighting against his enemies. He is one of the most popular characters in the Undertale fanbase and is known for his unique battle mechanics.

In summary, Asriel Dreemurr is the game’s main antagonist and is characterized by his god-like powers and tragic backstory. At the same time, Sans is a more lighthearted character who is known for his humor and sense of justice.

What is the backstory of Sans in Undertale?