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What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

Monkey D. Dragon was first revealed at Logue Town, and he was a powerful person back then. He was properly introduced at Water Seven by Garp, and we found out that not only was he Luffy’s father, but he was also the leader of the Revolutionary Army and one of the strongest people in the entire world of One Piece.

Dragon and his powers have been a mystery for the most part. We have yet to have a chance to see him in true action, but we will soon.

The only time we actually saw him use his powers was indeed at Logue Town when he emerged out of nowhere and saved Luffy.

He also seemed to use some of his powers to save the people at Grey Terminal as well. Apart from that, we’ve never seen him use his powers.

We already know that Dragon is a Conqueror’s Haki user. It was confirmed at Marineford when Luffy having Conqueror’s Haki shocked many, but then many assumed he would have it because he was Dragon’s son. Dragon’s Conqueror’s Haki is so powerful that he is able to manipulate the weather with its powers. More specifically, create a storm.

What is Monkey D. Dragon’s true power?

Monkey D. Dragon is one of the most mysterious characters with unknown powers in the One Piece series. This is the first time Oda has introduced Dragon in the series, and on a normal sunny day, all of a sudden, clouds start to cover the sky, and it starts to rain with fear of the speed of the wind, which rips off the rooftop of houses.

This gives the idea that Dragon has some weather-controlling DF ability. But if you take a look at Roger One Piece-Great Battle of Edd War – Shiki Gold Lion VS Roger Pirates King (English SUB), a great battle happens between two of the strongest characters in One Piece. 

But the battle changes its course when there is a “Sudden change in the weather,” half of Shiki’s fleet is sunk, and Shiki himself gets injured.

Now, there are two theories that either Roger and Dragon have the same DF, which Dragon acquired after the death of Roger, Or this is some advanced level of Conquer Haki. We cannot be sure. But either way, Dragon possesses some really strong power of mass destruction.

We have also witnessed in Dressrosa arc the fight between Sabo and Burgess how to advance Sabo’s Arment Haki is and how powerful he is as a fighter. He single-handedly takes down Yonko Commander Burgess without much trouble.

Now, this says a lot about Dragon. His subordinate is so much more powerful than Imagine Dragon himself.

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

Is Monkey D. Dragon powerful in One Piece? What are his powers?

I expect him to be a complete monster.

He is the son of Garp (the hero of the Marines) and the father of Luffy (the future pirate king). Just imagine the torture he went through when he was little lol.

He directly opposes the world government, and he is the most wanted man in the world. His bounty is, at the very least, higher than that of Whitehead. But it may be higher than Roger’s one as well.

Without having strength, the Government would have never considered him to be such a threat. He is not inferior to an emperor in terms of strength, and he may very well be more powerful than them individually. If someone asked me now if Dragon is more powerful than the emperors, I would be leaning towards a yes.

The day Oda shows us what he can do, it will be something of absolute epicness.

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Can Monkey D. Dragon defeat a Yonko?

Some points about Monkey D. Dragon:

  1. There needs to be a clear answer as to what Dragon is capable of. However, it should be of no surprise if Dragon actually has the power to defeat a Yonko. You have to remember that Dragon is not a Yonko, so for all we know, he doesn’t go around conquering territories or forming alliances. We have seen him recruit people into the Revolutionary Army, however. Thus, we have to assume that Dragon makes up for no conquered islands with a very powerful army and having a lot of power himself.
  2. Being the world’s most wanted man AND dangerous criminal while the World Government won’t actively hunt you down says a lot. It wouldn’t make sense if his knowledge made him such a wanted man; otherwise, the Government would easily capture him.
  3. Who could ever forget the Marines’ reactions to finding out that Luffy is Dragon’s son, especially Sakazuki constantly referring to Luffy as “Son of Dragon”?
  4. As for the Revolutionary Army, Dragon only brought in 8 commanders to start a WAR in Mariejois. That should also tell you about his power, being the leader of such a force.
  5. Unlike the Yonkos, Dragon wants to take down the World Government instead of conquering territories, hoping that the World Government will let him do whatever he wants.
  6. As the most mysterious character in One Piece, Dragon, for all we know, may actually be the most powerful character right now. It should only make sense for Oda to make Dragon live up to his mysteriousness and hype.

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?
What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

Is Monkey D. Dragon as powerful as Gol D. Roger?

No, No character in the present storyline is above prime Roger.

Not Yonko,no Fleet admiral,not Gorosei,nor Dragon. Dragon is one extremely powerful guy, don’t get me wrong.

He is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the most dangerous criminal in the world, and the father of the main character; he exited the clash with Blackbeard and CP0 uninjured and declared war against the World Government.

Although we don’t know the exact nature of his powers, it is safe to claim that, based on hype, foreshadowing, implications, and story purposes, he is on the level of the strongest characters in One Piece currently, the Emperors, along with Mihawk and Akainu.

The problem with that is the fact that Pirate King is one level above that.

Roger, in his prime, could beat any of these characters, although barely.

If any characters reach Pirate King’s strength in the series, it will probably be only Blackbeard and Luffy at the end of the story. Once Luffy beats him, he will symbolically and literally surpass Gol D. Roger.

Who would win in a fight, Monkey D. Luffy or Monkey D. Dragon?

Monkey D. Dragon

If anyone tells you that there is no clear winner between the two or that they are not sure who would win because we need to learn more about Dragon, it is living in delusion.

Just look at the hype and backing Dragon’s name has in the One Piece world:

  1. He is the leader of the Revolutionary army
  2. He is the world’s most wanted man
  3. He is declaring the war with the Celestial Dragons and the World Government
  4. His powers almost destroy the Logue town without him lifting a finger
  5. He survives the fight with Emperor Blackbeard and the CP0 afterward, seemingly uninjured
  6. Lastly, he is the father of the main character

As I said before, he is one of the highest top tiers in the series, most likely a Yonko-level character.

And it is questionable to give this much backing to a guy we barely see or hear from. Still, foreshadowing, implications, and hype about Dragon are so abundant that his being anything less than one of the strongest characters in the series would be a disappointment.

Luffy is not a weakling either, but just because the news hypes him up as one of the Emperors does not mean that he is nearly as strong as any of them are.

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

If you think about his fights in the New World, only 3 of them were really hard-fought, and in all three of them, he had massive help, or his opponent was nerfed, and sometimes both; otherwise, he would be dead.

He fought against people who were also far from the Emperor’s strength.

And let’s remember how well his last attempt against an Emperor turned out.

So, once Luffy is able to put up a fight against an Emperor, at least he has no chance against his father in v one fight.

But I don’t think those two will ever fight because there is no real reason, so it doesn’t matter.

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In One Piece, is Monkey D Dragon as strong as a Yonkou? Why or why not?

We have yet to learn how strong Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, is. But most people (including me) think he is a top tier. It wouldn’t make much sense if he isn’t, being the leader of an organization that the Government fears so much that they consider him the “world’s most dangerous man” with the highest bounty in the series. 

And it’s also logical if we look at the portrayal we have of the Rev. Army in general.

We saw Sabo, the chief of staff of the Rev. Army, in Dressrosa. There, he took out a Yonko commander with ease.

But it shouldn’t be hyped up too much; yes, Burgess is one of Blackbeard’s commanders, but if I look at his performance, I can’t help but feel that he is one of the weakest commanders.

He also clashed with Admiral Fujitora, but again, they weren’t too serious, and to me, it seemed that Fuji was still having the upper hand in this short encounter.

I think Sabo is something other than admiral level, and I would put him probably around the YC1 level, which would be like Katakuri. Sabo has the DF with more destructive power than Kata, but the latter one has mastered it completely, while Sabo just got it since a few weeks.

Katakuri has better Color of Observation and Sabo has better Armament Haki probably.

Then they also have the 4 Revolutionary Commanders, who might not look too threatening, but are power-houses as well. Otherwise, they would have preferred to wait to take on 2 admirals in the Holyland of Mary Geioise head on. They are around a similar power level to Sabo.

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

There is also a theory that there could still be somebody between Sabo and Dragon, which would be logical, given that Sabo is still very young. He is referred to as Nr 2 in the Rev. 

Army, so is Dragon the Number 1, or does it mean he has actually a right-hand man, maybe even stronger than Sabo.

People are speculating about this mostly because of this here:

The guy in the left corner. Some people said it’s Morley, but to me, that doesn’t look like him at all.

So there are 2 possibilities which would make sense to me. The Government sees the Rev. Army as a huge danger, so they should be able to take on the whole navy, similar to a Yonko crew.

  1. Dragon is yonko level. The 4 Rev. commanders are like the commanders of the yonks, and Sabo is his right-hand.
  2. Dragon is in a different tier than the yonkos, but he has a very powerful right hand other than Sabo, who is also capable of taking on admirals.
What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?
What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

Do you think Monkey D. Dragon has water, water devil fruit in One Piece?

We all know that One Piece is quite a balanced universe, and there are no such abilities that are OP and dominate everyone.

Conqueror’s Haki is rare and OP, but if you think about it, it’s rear, but it’s not all it takes.

Monkey D. Dragon is one of the mysterious and most wanted characters in One Piece, and not only is he the biggest threat to the sovereignty of the World Government, but he is also immensely strong.

The encounter we had with Dragon was in Louge town when he saved Luffy from Buggy and then from Smoker.

There is no doubt that he is a monster and can easily take down big names in One Piece. But even for someone Like Dragon to have a Water Water, no mi is overkill.

The only weakness any Devil Fruits user has is Sea, and if something like Water Water ni mi exists, it will be just so much overpowered and one-sided, which is not Oda’s style.

Many fans use an incident in Louge town as evidence that Dragon has Devil fruit, which is either Water Water ni mo or Weather Weather no mi or Storm Strom no mi, but none of these are true.

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There is much evidence that suggests that Conquerors Haki can affect the environment and make it so violent that it can cause damage to physical objects; so, not only does Conquerors Haki affect weak-minded people, but it also changes the dynamics of the environment.

Exhibit A: Big Mom Vs. Kaido, the clear disruption in the weather.

Exhibit B: Luffy Vs. Katakuri conquerors Haki Clash caused damage to many physical objects and structures nearby.

Exhibit C: In Episode 0, The fight between Roger and Shiki is shown, and the battle is stopped due to sudden freak weather; the fun thing all the damage only happened to Shiki and his fleet, and Roger’s pirates were escaped harmless. So, it is Oda’s style of foreshadowing the actual strength of Conqueror Haki.

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

Who can defeat Luffy’s father, Monkey D. Dragon, in One Piece?

I have my own opinion on how strong I think Dragon is, but I’ll try to be more objective here. There is a list of potential characters that could defeat him. Admirals, Yonko’s, even Mihawk.

Regarded as the most dangerous man in the world, we’ve never got a clear-cut reason as to why he is. Is it mainly from what he knows? His strength? Or the combination of both? Whatever the case, it’s almost certain that he’s a powerful character. There are numerous teases at his level of power. After Luffy used conqueror haki during Marineford, he was brought up multiple times as also possessing the same power.

It’s theorized that he has a devil fruit ability to control the weather, as his presence strangely comes with powerful storms. This is strikingly similar to what Ace was able to do with his Mera Mera no Mi in Chapter 154.

With elemental devil fruits particularly, they have the potential to alter the weather, which is further backed up by Akainu and Aokiji, where it was stated that their fight was so intense that it permanently changed the weather on Punk Hazard.

And, of course, we can’t forget his bloodline of being a “Monkey D.” Considered arguably the most infamous family in the world. Garp was renowned as the Hero of The Marines who challenged and nearly defeated Gol D. Roger. Luffy is an up-and-coming pirate aiming to be the King of The Pirates. 

It goes without saying that Dragon has to hold a candle next to his father and son in his way. It’s strongly hinted and hardly can be considered speculative that Dragon himself trained Sabo, which further backs up his evident strength considering how strong Sabo is. Dragon’s teachings would explain his fast growth, and Sabo even symbolizes a Dragon with his trademark Dragon Claw technique.

Dragon does face fierce competition in the world of One Piece. Everyone is trying to get one up on anyone, and they are powerful characters with great influence and presence.

Instead of an extremely long process of going through every potential character, I’ll list my top 5 in no particular order.

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?
What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

1. Kaido

The biggest challenge to Dragon on paper would be Kaido. Known as the strongest creature, he is stated as the best bet in a one-on-one fight and regarded as unable to be killed. Simply put, Kaido is a freak of nature. Hell, just recently, we got a taste of how strong Kaido was when he took out G4 Luffy with ease.

2. Blackbeard

The vile, power-hungry Marshal D. Teach, how could I not put him on this list? Teach aims for the top and nothing less. He holds the strength of arguably the two strongest devil fruits, and as we know so far, there was an occurrence that had taken place between Teach and Dragon that we still lack full details of.

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?

3. Akainu

Akainu is rather split as being a strong contender for Dragon amongst One Piece fans, but we have to respect the drive he has and his rank in the Marines as Fleet Admiral. Oda stated that he is capable of finding the One Piece in a year if he is a protagonist. Akainu is not to be taken lightly and is clearly dangerous.

4. Mihawk

Mihawk might come as a bit of a shocker, but we have to make it known that he holds a “Worlds” title like Kaido and Dragon. He also had a fierce duel with Shanks that was said to be legendary even by Whitebeard.

5. Shanks

It’s funny that we’re this far into the story and yet still don’t know what this man does, but in all seriousness, the apparent strength he has can’t be ignored. He is also the former holder of the ever-so-special straw hat and is respected even by Luffy, who made a promise to him that he would surpass his crew.

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How does Monkey D. Dragon view Luffy’s role as a pirate and all the actions he has taken so far?

The only clue we have, as far as I can remember, is when Dragon saves Luffy in Loguetown. Well, first of all, we might expect that he cares enough about his son insofar as he steps in to save his life. 

We also wonder how he knew that Luffy was there on that day or if it was a mere coincidence. As the leader of the Revolutionary Army, he stays informed of the happenings in the world. Since he is interested in the fate of his son, one could theorize that when he heard about Luffy’s bounty, he knew that Luffy would soon be in Loguetown and wanted to see how his son was doing, so that’s why he was there.

What he’s thinking about Luffy we can derive from this scene:

He seems content. It seems that he had some ideas or hopes for how Luffy turned out; maybe he wanted him to become a revolutionary, but first and foremost, he wanted Luffy to decide for himself what to do. And when he decided to become a pirate, that was enough for Dragon to support that.

Dragon likely has a very free-minded view of the world. He has his own big goal, to free the people everywhere from oppressive governments, with the world government being his ultimate opponent, and because of that, he left his family behind in the first place. 

But he follows what is happening with his son, and he hopes that Luffy will play a big role in the future of the world. But he never intended to influence Luffy’s decisions and welcomes what Luffy has chosen for himself to pursue.

What is Monkey D. Dragons true power?