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What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

I studied Karate with Chuck Norris; it was a wonderful time. He had a little dojo (studio) on Virginia Beach Blvd. I had always been interested in martial arts but had never really studied it, so I went by one day and went in. Chuck was about 26 or 27 then, and I was a little older. 

I started working out with him in the dojo for about three months, then told my wife about it. I said, “You have to come down and do it!” she said, “I’m not going down there. There are a lot of Asian guys that wrestle.” I said, “First, Chuck Norris is not Asian, and you don’t wrestle. It’s not like that. 

Come and try it!” So she did, and she loved it! We used to drop our kids off and work out at six in the morning with the black belts. We were considered “Ma and Pa Kettle” – the old folks of the dojo. 

We were about 30, but everybody else was in their teens. We developed a good friendship with Chuck and got our red belts. I have our certificates in my cottage. A couple of my kids got black belts later on.

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

Working with Chuck Norris was a genuine pleasure. He is a kind, considerate, appreciative man and every bit deserving of his reputation. I worked as a stuntman on over 45 Walker: Texas Ranger episodes, and stunt doubled Mr. Norris for a highball on the “Blood Diamonds” episode. 

One of my favourite memories of him is when he was presented the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Actionfest Film Festival in Asheville, N. Carolina, and he declined the award! Everyone was shocked when he said, “I have to decline this award because it should go to my brother Aaron.

Without him, I would not be the man I am today.” And he turned around and handed the award to his brother, who was standing on the stage with us. Chuck Norris is a very humble man.

What is Chuck Norris like in real life?

Chuck Norris is exactly how you think he is. Friendly, humble and a badass martial artist. I have known Mr. Norris for 25 years and worked with him on 50 Walker: Texas Ranger episodes. 

I was his stunt double for a highball on the Blood Diamonds Episode and jumped off a 7 story building for him. He has a memory like a steel trap, so don’t say anything to him that you don’t want him to remember. His stunt double, Kinnie Gibson, may he rest in peace, was one of my best friends. Chuck Norris is the real deal.

Has Chuck Norris ever admitted that Bruce Lee was better than him?

Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris are two of the most well-known martial artists of the 20th century. Both men achieved tremendous success in the movie industry and were known for being dedicated martial artists. They engaged in one of the most famous cinematic fight scenes during the climax of 1972’s The Way Of The Dragon.

Bruce and Chuck met during the late ’60s and maintained a close personal friendship until Lee’s untimely death in 1973. As may be expected, when two martial artists spend time together, they also train and engage in some degree of sparring.

Chuck has always spoken of Bruce with great respect and reverence in the years since his passing. Chuck is often asked whether he would have defeated Bruce in a fight, but he never gives a serious answer and remains coy on the subject, perhaps not wanting to disrespect his good friend. Chuck wrote in his WorldNetDaily column in 2011;

“Would I have beaten Bruce Lee in a real competition or not? You’ll forgive me for answering with another Bruceism: ‘Showing off is the fool’s idea of glory.'” 

Despite not giving a definitive answer on whether he believes he would have beaten Lee in combat, Chuck has always spoken highly of Bruce’s physical talents and skills as a martial artist. Chuck spoke during an interview with Geoff Thompson for Front Magazine in 2009 on Bruce’s philosophy of never being limited to just one style of martial arts;

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

“He was very fast. And he learned from everybody, and he had a very open mind. Bruce never believed that only one style or style was the best, and he felt there were so many ‘best’ of everything. He said that everything had strengths and weaknesses, and he wanted to find the strengths and use them.”

Chuck wrote about Bruce again in his WorldNetDaily column in 2011, describing both his skills as a martial artist and his physical gifts in a very complimentary manner;

“The truth is, Lee was a formidable opponent with a chiselled physique and technique. I enjoyed sparring and just spending time with him. He was as charismatic and friendly in the ring and at home as he was on film. His confidence and wit were dazzling, and sometimes even debilitating to others… Lee was lightning fast, very agile and incredibly strong for his size.” 

So, it is very clear that Chuck still greatly respects his friend, and Bruce’s impression of Norris still lingers. Bruce would become an icon to millions worldwide as his martial arts movies completely redefined the genre and captured the imagination of old and young alike. 

Norris achieved great on-screen success in his own right, and I’m sure he is secure enough in his skills and legacy not to worry about whether Bruce was “better” than him in the ring, on the big screen or in any other area.

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All jokes aside, is Chuck Norris as badass as he’s made out to be?

I had the privilege of knowing Mr. Norris in the ’70s when he started a string of Karate studios in Southern California. I was in my early twenties and attended his studio in Paramount, CA. 

I can remember him as a very good businessperson and a great Taekwondo master. He was always present during our belt rankings and was very proficient in martial arts. Many students would love to watch him spar with the other instructors. His hair was always immaculate (lol).

“He joined the United States Air Force as an Air Policeman (AP) in 1958 and was sent to Osan Air Base, South Korea. It was there that Norris gained the nickname Chuck and began his training in Tang Soo Do (Tangsudo), an interest that led to black belts in that art and the founding of the Chun Kuk Do (“Universal Way”) form.” 

After the military, Mr. Norris stayed around the S. California area, working at Northrop and living in Torrance, CA. And while at a Karate event in Long Beach, CA., he met Bruce Lee and from then into the movie business from “The Way of the Dragon” to a host of other great action-packed movies and TV shows. The last time I saw him, he honked his horn and waved while I rode my bike to the karate studio.

Mr. Norris also wrote several Christian-themed books like The Justice Riders and others. You can find a recent article that he wrote on opioid addiction here. 

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?
What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

He is also a philanthropist and started a non-profit organization over 25 years ago for kids called Kickstart Kids that uses karate to help teach character-building values. You might have bought a Total Gym from his endorsements of exercise equipment.

Many people might need to learn Mr. Norris created his martial art called Chun Kuk Do. And while he acts like a badass on the big screen and TV shows, he is a decent human being who sees value and goodness in people and the world as summed up in what he believes.

  1. I will develop myself to the maximum of my potential in all ways.
  2. I will forget past mistakes and press on to greater achievements.
  3. I will continually work at developing love, happiness and loyalty in my family.
  4. I will look for the good in all people and make them feel worthwhile.
  5. I will say nothing if I have nothing good to say about a person.
  6. I will always be as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
  7. I will maintain an attitude of open-mindedness.
  8. I will maintain respect for those in authority and always demonstrate this respect.
  9. I will always remain loyal to my God, country, family and friends.
  10. I will remain highly goal-oriented throughout my life because that positive attitude helps my family, country and myself. 

If Mr Norris should ever read this post, I want to personally thank him for taking a young man and helping him to develop confidence and hope for a better day. Thanks, Chuck!

Why do people say Chuck Norris is tough?

I bet you didn’t know Mr. Chuck Norris is now 83 years old! He was born on March 10, 1940. I met him personally while attending one of his karate studios many years ago.

Chuck Norris is a wonderful human being, a brilliant businessman, a philanthropist, and boy, could he fight. He was friends with Mr. Bruce Lee, who got Chuck his first movie role. Later, Chuck was present at Lee’s funeral.

Chuck Norris is semi-retired now and enjoys spending time with family on his 2,000-acre ranch in Texas. And while Chuck Norris is older today and maybe not as tough as he once was, he still keeps healthy and very busy.

Is Chuck Norris a real martial artist?

Oh my God, yes. He’s as real as you get. He was the world middleweight champion in the ’60s and was one of the first to introduce martial arts into the United States, which he learned in Korea. He was one of the people that originated the spinning kick. He made a movie with Bruce Lee. 

At the time, he was revolutionary. He’s been training for decades. He holds a black belt in multiple disciplines, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and is a true master of Tang Soo Do. 

He started acting as an offshoot of his martial arts in action movies. When I was a teenager, he was a complete badass in the late seventies. As someone who has trained in martial arts for decades, he is my hero.

Could Chuck Norris beat Superman?

Chuck Norri’s facts prove his superiority.

  1. His tears hold the cure for cancer, but he has never cried.
  2. Hitler committed suicide when he heard Chuck Norris was about to be born.
  3. Chuck Norris’ beard caused the Ice Age because it blocked the sun.
  4. When people have questions, they turn to God. When God has questions, he turns to Chuck Norris.
  5. Chuck Norris never gets flu shots. The Flu gets Chuck Norris shots.
  6. If Chuck Norris and Mr. T had ever pounded knuckles together, the world would have cracked in half.
  7. The first part of Chuck Norris to emerge from the womb was a fist.
  8. Jesus turned Water into Wine, and Chuck Norris turned the Wine into Beer.
  9. The real question differs from what came first: the chicken or the Egg. The real question is what came first, Humanity or Chuck Norris.
  10. Abraham Lincoln may have freed the enslaved people, but Chuck Norris is everyone’s master.

Need I go on?

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What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

Can Batman beat Chuck Norris?

I am a HUGE Batman fan. He has beaten anyone worth beating repeatedly, so much so that Superman had to wait 20 years to get a cheap win or two over him. Having said that…

Would you be afraid to fight Chuck Norris even though he’s approaching 80 years old?

Story, 15 years ago? A 77-year-old man pulled over to help a seemingly disabled woman motorist…it was a ploy….five young men in the 19 to 20-year-old range were hiding nearby, expecting a payday and some fun.

Another story from the 1970s: a limping older man making his monthly voyage to cash his social security check….three fellows decided that HIS money was worth more to them than to him.

Both incidences ended with emergency services needed and ended badly with deaths involved. In the first one, in an interview with the police afterwards, the Senior stated that “He was glad at least one of them had a working gun because it made the fight shorter.” he was able to ice two of them.

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?
What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

In the second case, we will call easy pickin’, I think he permanently maimed two, and the third ran a short distance before he succumbed.

This older man had a sword in his walking stick, but he only pulled it on the one who died, probably not believing what was happening to him.

Younger guys are indeed faster, more limber and much more resilient than the elderly, as proven by the crime stats, the senior will USUALLY lose BUT – every so often, you have a Chuck Norris type out there who has one other thing going for them a fully developed guile program!

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

When and from whom did Chuck Norris receive his BJJ first-degree black belt?

Mr. Norris was originally in Rio on vacation when he was told to meet up with the Gracies on recommendation from friends. Chuck already had a black belt in judo and anticipated a fairly easy crossover. Unfortunately, as many of us who have trained first in judo and then in Brazilian jiu-jitsu have learned, it’s not easy.

He initially trained with Rickson Gracie, who Norris said “made him feel like he never trained before”. He would also roll with Mr. Hélio Gracie, who famously put Chuck to sleep and invited him to continue to train. He could not do so, later hooking up with Rorion Gracie in Los Angeles.

He would later move to train with the Machados, Jean Jacques Machado and his decorated student David Dunn. When he received his black belt, he would earn a third-degree black belt from Dunn with the endorsement of Machado.

While his and Dunn’s creation, UFAF BJJ, remains a question, with its online training courses and rankings, no one can question Chuck’s lineage by all appearances. He’s been training in BJJ for over 28 years, before the UFC and Rigon Machado’s celebrity BJJ controversy.

He’s legit.

Who’s a better martial artist, Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris?

Who do you like more? That’s how all the answers will be decided.

This is an arbitrary question, mainly because one’s dead, the other a senior citizen, and they’ve never fought each other outside of a movie set. There’s no way to know. 

Both achieved high ranks in their respective styles and eventually branched out, created their own systems, and ran their own schools. The only real difference is that Chuck was an active competitor on the open competition circuit, while Bruce was not.

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What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

Chuck Norris vs. Dos Equis Guy, who would win?

Let’s get ready to rummmmmmblllllllllllllllllle!!!! All comments below are lifted from the Official Chuck Norris Facts site and the Facebook page for Dos Equis Man.

Round One.. Chuck Norris has tears that could cure cancer. But he has never cried. Dos Equis Man has words that carry so much weight they would break a lesser man’s jaw. Edge, Norris, 10-9.

Round Two. Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. 

He stares at them until they give him the information he wants. Dos Equis Man recently had a run-in with a honey badger. Now, he is the only thing Honey Badger cares about. Edge, DEM, 10-9.

Round Three. Dos Equis Man once killed three birds with one stone. Chuck Norris once killed two stones with one bird. Edge, Norris, 10-9.

Round Four. Chuck Norris knows where Waldo is. Dos Equis Man let the dogs out. Edge, DEM, 10-9.

Round Five. Dos Equis Man once visited the Virgin Islands, or as they are now called, “the islands.” Chuck Norris has the only hands that always beat a royal flush. Edge, DEM, 10-9.

Round Six. Chuck Norris could solve all the world’s problems if he wanted to. Dos Equis Man never begs, but when his lovers do, he prefers to drink Dos Equis. Edge, Norris, 10-9.

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

Round Seven. Dos Equis Man bowls. Overhand. Chuck Norris can tango. Alone. Edge, Norris, 10-9.

Round Eight. Chuck Norris uses the Shake Weight and Total Gym. No one laughs. 9-1-1 calls Dos Equis Man for help. Edge, DEM, 10-9.

Round Nine. Dos Equis Man told Donald Trump, “You’re fired!” The Black Eyed Peas were called “The Peas” until they met Norris. Edge, Chuck Norris, 10-9.

Round Ten.. The only thing fear has to fear is Chuck Norris himself. When Dos Equis Man stares at the sun, the sun blinks. Edge, DEM, 10-9.

Round Eleven. Sharks have a week dedicated to Dos Equis Man. Jacob and Edward both wear Team Chuck Norris shirts. Edge, DEM, 10-9.

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?
What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

Round Twelve. Chuck Norris goes to Camp Crystal Lake and vacations. Dos Equis Man’s pet cat is a mountain lion. With ten lives. Edge, DEM, 10-9.

Round Thirteen.. Chuck Norris abducts aliens. He already has the iPhone 6. DEM hacked anonymously. With a Commodore 64. Edge, Norris, 10-9.

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Round Fourteen. Dos Equis Man has never heard of 007. He is too busy being 001. Smoking can kill you. But Chuck Norris WILL kill you. Edge, Norris, 10-9.

Round Fifteen. Chuck Norris counted to Infinity. Twice. Facebook wants to be Dos Equis Man’s friend. Edge, Dos Equis Man, 10-9.

Final Scorecard.

Dos Equis Man wins, 143-142.

Stay thirsty, my friends.

How come Chuck Norris and David Carradine never got along while making Lone Wolf McQuade?

I found no specific reference indicating they didn’t get along. However, it is known in the industry that Chuck Norris doesn’t enjoy working with co-stars who are as prominent as he is in a specific movie. 

Carradine already had substantial star power, which may have caused some feelings between the two, but no definitive reference suggests that. 

Norris is more of a loner when doing a picture, more into himself than Carradine, who apparently enjoys working with co-stars. In addition, according to Carradine, they represented different martial arts styles.

Carradine enjoyed a looser kung fu style that flowed, while Norris was into more hard karate martial arts. As a result of the styles being different, there may have been some friction in the choreography of the fight scenes since they both did their own and didn’t use doubles.

Regardless, being a fan of both men, it was a great movie.

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

Did Chuck Norris ever fight Frank Dux?

No, because Frank Dux never fought anybody on record or witnessed legitimately. He made it all up. If they fought, Norris would spank him and eat his lunch.

It was the perfect storm for Dux; if some of you don’t remember the 80s and the whole era pre-1993 when the UFC put on their first card and brought MMA to people’s living rooms, it was a different time.

It was the era of the myth of the Kung Fu master. Grown, intelligent, gainfully employed adults believed (and most people thought the belief reasonable) that there were very small, feeble 80-year-old men in the Far East who could beat the hell out of an Olympic wrestling champion or the world’s Heavyweight boxing champion.

So, dorky kids who weren’t into sports and spent their free time playing Dungeons & Dragons and watching martial arts movies started fantasizing that they, too, would meet an elderly Asian gentleman just by chance, who takes them under his wing and thinks of them as a son and trains them in the secret ways of his family’s Karate and makes them a badass.

A lot of dudes fantasized about this in the 80s. I was born in 79, but I remember being a kid and seeing it… so many skinny or fat nerds had some story that they’re karate masters, and if any of you remember, the tendency was to be more inclined to believe them.

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

Some guys took it far and opened up a McDojo. There was a spectrum of how far some clowns would take it. At the far end was the all-time king of the Bullshido Masters – Frank Dux.

Nobody questioned these buffoons, and it was like a phenomenon that virtually anybody, the most unathletic looking, unhealthy-looking shit stain you can imagine, could say they knew Karate. More often than not, most people believed them.

Blackbelt magazine was never known for its fact-checking or due diligence. They published first and asked questions way later (if at all). 

Dux wrote them some horse shit about winning a double secret, triple illegal underground death tournament called the “kumite” and said nobody there could talk about it except him, so there was no need for the names of any witnesses, they published the shit, and the rest is history.

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Can Chuck Norris whoop any Marine in a street fight?

This one is not so direct – and to give it the respect it deserves, I’ve answered a few better-phrased theoretical questions based on what you’re asking:

  1. Could Chuck Norris, in his prime, whoop any Marine at the time? Yes – Chuck Norris won World Championships in Karate and could have beaten even the best-trained Marines in a street fight.
  2. In his prime, could Chuck Norris whoop the best-trained current Marines in a street fight? I’d still argue yes – the Marine Corps has built and focused on its hand-to-hand combat capabilities, but we focus and train on hand-to-hand combat by carrying a rifle and wearing combat gear. His focus on “street fighting” techniques would still give him an advantage.
  3. At 79 years old, could Chuck Norris whoop any random Marine in the street? I’d still argue yes – we’re cocky little punks, but cocky little punks that fear the wrath of our SgtMaj & 1stSgts like you wouldn’t believe. Thus, Marines only get into street fights when drunk enough to forget the impending wrath of their Senior Leaders. There was no way any Marine would try this without a significant amount of alcohol in them, and Chuck would lay them flat. Even without alcohol, the average Marine on first enlistment, having only been “martial-art” trained for combat with a rifle & combat load, would struggle to adapt to a street fight with the legend.
  4. Could Chuck Norris, at 79 years old, whoop the best-trained Marines of today in a street fight? Sadly – I’d have to say no. Age is a factor here. Chuck’s not 40, 50, or even 60. He’s turning 80 years old. He won his World Championship in 1968. At some point, we should acknowledge Chuck would never get into a street fight with a jacked prime-age for combat Marine, BUT if he did, there’s a better chance than not it wouldn’t turn out well for him.

What is it like to work with Chuck Norris?

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