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Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

She really was. I know Kishimoto had planned on pairing her up with Naruto from close to the beginning, so it makes it an even bigger waste. All the screen time she had was really NaruHina filler, for starters. 

After three years of training, she didn’t get to display any new powers in the war, except for improving her byakugan. The writers didn’t even make use of the power she had. Instead, Neji committed suicide to save her life.

I wish she had gotten a good story where she grows stronger and gains the faith of her father to be able to lead the clan and stop the dictatorship-like structure and the use of curse marks. But nope. 

Marry the main characters, stay a chunin even though she supposedly surpassed Neji? Make babies, and clean the house. It also annoys the heck out of me that she ended up being over-s*xualized to get more fans.

It’s fine giving her a naturally big chest, but they totally changed her character design later on as far as her outfit. Standard ninja boots, capri pants, and a loose jacket. Lol nope! Let’s put her in knee-high boots, short shorts, and a tight shirt with a big waistband that makes her chest stand out. I mean, really?

Hinata is supposed to be very smart, too, even smarter than Neji. Why didn’t they make use of that and her ambition to prove herself to her father and clan (which just magically dissolved after the war for some reason) and have her researching to invent new techniques or even show her learning medical ninjutsu?

It’s just, hey, she has great chakra control, and she is very gentle and sweet; let’s give her healing powers! I feel like her being married to Naruto undermined her as well; now she’s the main character’s wife, so of course, she’s super strong. She gave him chakra that one time, hahaha. No.

Hinata had a lot of potential to display herself as a confident, powerful warrior woman who would one day work through her anxiety and self-doubt to become a great leader and restore her clan. But no. She got turned into a housewife and a baby machine who did next to nothing.

Honestly, she remained weak in canon since she didn’t end up helping accomplish much, especially compared to what she could have become if her powers were exploited. She is such a sweet, caring girl who could have become a beautiful, independent woman, but she has terrible character handling, and now she is just a mom who does nothing but clean and cook for her kids.

Was Hinata wasted potential in Naruto?

Absolutely. Hinata had an amazing story, in all honesty. She was dealing with self-worth issues and the pressure of being good enough to lead her clan, which was f—ked up on many levels. She could have become so great!! 

But she and her clan’s strife was regulated to the main character’s needs for a wife, and the Hyuuga will change on their own because that main character is so emotional and just.

Ugh. One of the most powerful kekkei genkai in the universe, and the chick grows up to marry Naruto and pop out two kids? Awful.

Does Naruto really love Hinata?

Do you remember the scene when Pain destroyed the leaf village and Naruto was almost killed? Of all the bad people around, only Hinata came to the rescue. Do you think Hinata is stronger than Sakura? No, but who rushed to save Naruto? It was Hinata. She told him how deeply she loved him. Sakura was just a spoiled little garbage.

During the Great War, Hinata was constantly checking on Naruto and helped him in whatever way possible.

And then the movie, in that movie, nauto sees all the love she had kept hidden inside for him. That movie was amazing.

So overall. No one could have loved him more. And yes, he loves her back immensely.

Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

Did Hinata have any other motivation besides Naruto?

Yes, Hinata doesn’t want to get stronger to make Naruto fall in love; she does it for herself.

For Hinata, Naruto is a model, given that despite everything, he does not get down in spirits and trains nonstop. Hinata is obviously happy to be liked by Naruto. However, this is not a fundamental thing.

Is Boruto more like Naruto or Hinata?

He’s unlike either.

He’s drawn to be some Naruto clone. We get it, but he is different from his father in character and personality. That’s because he frankly has no character in a moral sense. Dad was a charming and lovable hero, whereas son… He’s a whiny, brooding little brat.

This, of course, makes him nothing like his mother either. He has no humility, is selfish, and is horribly obnoxious.

He’s also lazy. This is a consequence of something neither of his parents had… pure genius and a supportive family. Look, Naruto works a lot, but he gave his family a nice life. Hinata is also a doting mother who makes sure he has all his needs taken care of. Compare that to what they had.

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  1. Two dead parents and a village who hated Naruto as a pariah (seriously, who raised him during infancy?)
  2. A distant and unloving father who disowned and disinherited Hinata before kicking her out of the house at the age of 12 for being too weak.

This is not to mention the fact that both of them have what amounts to ridiculous, even godlike levels of power and abilities by the time of Boruto’s birth, meaning that he and his sister basically inherited the genetic lottery of magic ninja voodoo superpower.

Again, compare that to how Naruto and Hinata started life. Neither of them started that way. They were both losers of the ninja world when the series started about two decades ago.

It was only through massive, massive amounts of hard work, training, and enduring unimaginable suffering, both socially and from evil wizard ninjas constantly trying to kill them during a far, far more warlike time, that they both independently achieved greatness and only together became the quintessential power couple of the Fire Nation.

Put all this together, and that means that for Boruto, everything comes way, way too easily. He can master jutsu faster than anyone. He has power that surpasses anyone. 

Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

He can do just about anything, and he never has to try, which means that when something is hard and isn’t cool… eh? So he doesn’t know how to work hard. This means he takes shortcuts and is even willing to cheat to get what he wants.

Not cool.

And look, I frankly can’t stand the little twerp, but I am glad that Boruto is distinctly an original character and not a rehash or clone of another character from the first series.


Actually, I don’t want to hate Shikadai. I loved Shikamaru, so I like 2.0 too. But Boruto is a completely original character with regard to not being exactly like any one of his legendary parents. In all fairness, he’s nothing like either, which makes the little jerk something we can’t predict and which I’m hopeful will make for an interesting new direction for the new generation.

Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?
Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

Why does Naruto not notice Hinata earlier?

Because he can’t stop paying attention to her, Naruto is an extremely expressive, active, impetuous guy; he knows how to communicate and does it uniquely, imposing his opinion and leaving his mark wherever he goes. 

Hinata is the opposite of that; he doesn’t have time for her because a lot is going on in your life and your head.

Example: Here, he goes around the village looking for friends to help him on a mission. He goes to Hinata, and she passes out; he can’t even talk to her, and she passes out.

After that, one more time, he tries to talk to her, and again … she passes out.

He leaves…

People think this is cute, but this excess of shyness that makes Hinata pass out or barely manage to exchange a word with him is quite annoying, even for patient people, and this is one of the reasons he never noticed her besides a kind friend.

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Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

People call Naruto an idiot for not having noticed her, but honestly, I think the biggest flaw is hers; it is very difficult to connect with someone with whom you can barely have a normal dialogue. 

We know that Naruto connects even with his enemies, and although he has friendship and affection for her, it is very difficult for a guy with his attitude to fall in love with a girl like that. 

In childhood, it may have been cute, but we are talking about a girl who has acted like this for 20 years and needed the effort of the whole world, a magic scarf, a genjutsu and an alien to approach him, and Naruto is the idiot? Well, while she passes out, he’s worried about doing something for people, for himself or the village.

Does Naruto fear Hinata?

Japanese humour. Wives and moms are feared and respected.

Hinata is not the violent type, and she is just a strict mom because Boruto is a brat who spends his time making pranks.

Naruto is really immature sometimes. He started arguing over food with his son and making noise when his daughter was sick.

So yes, Naruto fears Hinata because she is his wife and a mom.

Who is stronger than Hinata in Naruto?

Hinata is a beautiful character. However, she could be a stronger ninja.

Naruto never defeated Hinata in combat, but he literally defeated those who had done so in the past, including Neji. Sasuke is almost as strong as Naruto, so they can easily beat his best friend’s wife. In addition, there will be several Ninja stronger than Hinata, even if I don’t want to do too much research.

Why did Neji choose to shield Hinata?

Short answer: Hinata and Naruto are two of, if not the two, people who he cares about the most in the living world. They’re also two of the biggest inspirations who were in his life. Neji chose to shield both Hinata and Naruto because they’re both people he loves enough to give his life for.

Long answer, in case you want actual Neji analysis:

Neji believes that self-sacrifice to protect those who you love or those who represent a bright future to you is noble, an act of self-actualization and an affirmation of free will. He’s very clear about this. Earlier, he acknowledges this fact out loud when talking about Shikaku’s, Inoichi’s, and Hizashi’s deaths.

He then declares that he will protect Naruto at all costs. He’s already made it clear that he sees Naruto as someone willing to protect in the same way Shikaku was willing to protect Shikamaru, Inoichi was willing to protect Ino, and Hizashi was willing to protect Hiashi.

Unfortunately, Hyuga-style defences aren’t enough against Madara and Obito. Neji and Hinata needed more defensive power to deflect them.

At that point, Hinata’s natural reaction was to defend Naruto in the only feasible manner that was left, with her own body. It’s been well established that Hinata is willing to give her life to protect Naruto, something Neji had arrived just late enough to see the aftermath of during the Pain Invasion arc.

Neji steps in in the same way Hinata does, with the same thought process.

Neji said it himself in the scene, but he gave his life to protect Hinata because he knew she was willing to give her life to protect Naruto. Hinata is Neji’s closest friend (the only other one you can make the argument for being Neji’s best friend is Lee).

Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

And he gave his life to protect Naruto because “Naruto called Neji a genius.”

Neji’s biggest flaw when he was first introduced was that he was a defeatist and a fatalist. Neji is deeply traditional, and at first, he resents the fact that tradition would mean subjugation and never allow him to fly free. 

He lashed out only in ways he knew would be ineffective, because Nei fundamentally believed that it was impossible to change any system or challenge any fate, and to even try was a fool’s errand.

And he believed that until Naruto, the outcast, managed to defeat Neji, the genius.

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Neji’s view of Naruto is quite similar to Hinata’s in that Naruto represents inspiration and light that Neji could have never imagined otherwise. Neji loved Naruto as much as or more than Neji loved Hinata.

Naruto represents the hope of fighting fate that Neji used to think was impossible. And Neji loved Naruto for that.

In the same way that Naruto showed Neji the willingness to fight fate and do crazy things despite the labels you were given or your lot in life, Neji felt that this was his way to pay Naruto back.

That’s what Naruto means to Neji.

Naruto is the one whose battle was the catalyst for Hiashi finally telling Neji the truth about his father’s death, and Naruto was the catalyst that led to Neji being allowed to train with the main branch and learn from Hiashi directly, something that was previously forbidden.

Naruto was what changed this to this.

Naruto was the one who taught Neji that fatalism was just another form of cowardice, comfortable pessimism that Neji never truly believed in. Naruto is hopeful and defiant, and he earned Neji’s love and admiration as he earned Hinata’s.

Naruto transformed Neji’s view of death, which was originally:

“Death is proof that free will is an illusion and fate is cruel and inescapable”.

That gave way to the earlier mentioned view the Neji later held of death, that self-sacrifice was an exercise of free will in and of itself. Naruto changed absolutely everything about how Neji saw the world.

Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?
Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

And Naruto was the catalyst that allowed Neji to reconnect with Hinata.

As for Hinata, their relationship had a complex arc, and there was bad blood between them since Hizashi’s death. Since Neji wanted to lash out, Hinata, as the disowned head and someone who sympathized with Neji, was the easiest and safest target for him to lash out at, provided it wasn’t in front of Hiashi. And because it frustrated him that Hinata (because of Naruto) believed in fighting fate.

But at the end of the day, Hinata and Neji still loved each other. Both were very aware of the abuse the other faced from the Hyuga clan.

After Naruto knocked the fatalism out of Neji, he’s happy to be able to work together with Hinata again.

The two become training partners like they used to and reconnect, especially since Neji is now officially allowed to train with the main family so that barrier is broken. Neji feels freer to pursue his own life and no longer has to learn the main branch techniques in secret.

He enjoys his time training with Hinata, and they’re happy to defend each other during the war.

Hinata has never looked down on Neji and, in fact, looked up to him, considering him stronger and looking to him as an elder brother figure, despite Neji thinking she should look at him as a member of the branch family. 

Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?

Hinata was anti-traditionalist and more or less ignored the rules of etiquette that the main branch would demand. Looking back on them now as an adult, she is still anti-traditionalist and sees even more clearly how cruel Hiashi and the elders were and how things could have turned out happier for them if the clan heads hadn’t been so strict.

Hinata’s ultimate wish was to escape the clan, while Neji, who was a bit more traditional and conservative, wished to reform the clan and wanted to do so together with Hinata as comrades. She meant a lot to him.

So Naruto and Hinata are, pretty plainly, two of the people Neji loves more than practically anyone in the world. They’re his beloved comrades.

And since Naruto and the knowledge of why Hizashi died had transformed Neji’s view of death, he was willing to give his life for love, for the people who were Neji’s ideals of love is human form for the people who loved him back.

To Neji, that was what freedom was.

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Yes, she was 100% wasted. She is a Hyuga, one of the main clans that derived from the Otsutsuki. Making them one of the closest relatives to an alien race that started the whole concept and use of chakra.

Not only that, but she’s from the head of the household. Making her one of the purest members of that clan. Meaning that her lineage makes her one of the closest living relatives of the Otsutsuki and not just descendants of an ancient alien clan. 

Her sister ended up being kidnapped by Toneri Otsutsuki because of her lineage and strong, pure byakugan eyes, and she took Hinata to be his wife because of her lineage itself.

This alone should make her very powerful, but she lacked the confidence to fight.

If she had confidence and a will to fight, she would be a beast. As she has shown, she is quite capable of using advanced main branch techs when it comes down to it.

Yet she never wanted to be a shinobi, but had to become one to try to restore her honour and also survive back in the day (she wasn’t supported at all by her family for at least a full-on year or two (until Neji moved him to think slightly differently), as her father declared her as being extra to the clan).

It’s the only reason why she became a shinobi and why she did the minimum just to survive and keep up with Naruto.

Had she been like Neji or Hanabi, she would have been (arguably) the strongest female in Konoha.

Was Hinata wasted potentional in Naruto?