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How tall is Harry Styles really?

How tall is Harry Styles really?

How tall is Harry Styles really?

He said jokingly in an interview in 2014 that he was “5′11″ with hair and heels” so 5′10″ is most likely. Most people who meet him in person are surprised that he’s smaller than expected.

The other members of One Direction were 5′8″ (Niall), 5′9″ (Louis), and 5′10 (Liam), and Harry seemed a bit taller than Liam but favoured boots with a heel, so there’s that too.

How tall is Harry Styles really?

Although it’s mostly mentioned that Harry is 6′0 on pretty much every single website, he isn’t! He is actually 5′10!

Is Harry Styles as nice in person as people say he is?

Yes, here is why:

  • Tripped over a dog and apologized to it <3
  • Gives hugs, kisses, pics to fans if they want
  • Listens to fans
  • Has a conversation with fans
  • He was being super nice to a VERY RUDE B****
  • A worker told his fans to shut up, and he got upset
  • He even said his fans are some of his best friends


Why do people hate Harry Styles?

Here’s the truth. Many people hate Harry Styles because of his rumours and the way it is put up on social media. How do people see him as a womanizer because he is seen out with many women? (Wow! To your judgemental criteria) Do you know what?

 The rich ones have hands in it(businessmen and all those who are rich as f*ck)? They can create the fake identity of people on the internet and the news channel. That’s what is happening.

People who hate him never tried to understand or tried to know this gem we have on this planet. They all like to act blind and believe whatever is in the media. Even if they know it’s toxic and not true. People may not like his fashion sense because they are narrow-minded.

Those who think he is successful or famous because of his looks don’t know what a gentleman he is.

Ed Sheeran once mentioned how Harry Styles, during his free time, would go on to distribute pizza to all the needy people on the road. He takes part in charity and stands for the LGBTQ+ community. With merch he sells, instead of his pictures on it, he puts in motives and some wording instead.

He treats everyone equally and is kind to everyone. He makes sure that the person he is talking to gets the whole attention, making him more attractive. 

And those who think he is a whore, you don’t even have the right to say that you don’t know anything about him. He is so nice to his fans, till now he has never disheartened any of them when asked for a picture or an autograph.

He is also nice to the paparazzi, who would ask random questions that definitely would annoy him. He has such a charm. Once you try to understand this person, you will fall in love with him instead of giving all the hate. 

Do you think that a huge community is obsessed because of its fame and wealth? Then, basically, you are the most judgemental person on Earth and better change for the good.

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Why is Harry Styles so hot?

Trust me if I think from my “-I-am-a-mature-teen-side” mode. I would never write this answer, but this question is just too tempting.

Hard to resist.

This all started in 9th standard. I became a novel addict and one day stumbled upon a book in Wattpad name –Sweet Life with One Direction. I adored the novel and loved the characters. 

Harry’s named character was my favourite, though. I re-read it many times, then one day I stumbled upon another novel –Millionaire’s Love (au Harry Styles), and I was like, “What!! Is he real?” I immediately googled him, and Boom!

I mean, look at that face!!

How tall is Harry Styles really?
How tall is Harry Styles really?

He is so gorgeous

  • That emerald-green eyes.
  • Those sets of dimples
  • Chiseled jaw-line.
  • His Cheshire-cat smile.
  • His clothing style.
  • His voice-( So deep and husky.)
  • And those curly hair.

I was a total goner.

I am on the verge of completing my 12th now, and still, he is my celebrity crush.

Who is the best, Justin Bieber or Harry Styles?

  • Harry’s style has a bold and descriptive style of singing, while Justin sings in a melodious voice.
  • Justin rose to fame with his Chris brown cover on YouTube, whereas Harry auditioned for X Factor UK to join One Direction.
  • Justin’s recent collaborations are with DJ Snake and Skrillex, both EDM stars. At the same time, Harry is a group singer.
  • Justin broke up with Selena and has ditched numerous girls. Harry has famously broken up with Taylor Swift.
  • Tiebreaker: Harry respects his fans. But Justin has let them down at every instance.

What is it like to meet Harry Styles?

What it’s like Harry is a very sweet person to ANYONE (you bet. respect him, by the way). He is amazing. He gives hugs, autographs, high-fives, kisses!!! He once even gave a fan a first kiss, lol. But please be nice to him. Do not randomly kiss him cause then they will ban that, PLEASE!!!

Just ask him; there is a 99.9% chance he will say yes. The only time he says no is when a dumb agent or security is around them. But be nice to Harry cause he is the SWEETEST!!

Why is Harry Styles such a big deal right now?

Harry’s style is basically phenomenal.

He used to be in the famous band One Direction, which gained a huge fandom, and as they split, they still stuck with him, so he would still be pretty popular.

I personally love him since he uses the platform he has to do good for the world, encourage people to choose love, and give love every day. He supports his fans a lot by letting them know whoever they are, gay, bi, trans, white, black, or purple, he will support them and love them. We don’t see that with a lot of other celebs, so he does seem like a big deal.

I want to be like him. Everybody wants to be like him, so he’s like a role model for everyone, which means that he means a lot to people, and we mean a lot to him.

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Is Harry Styles a real gentleman?

I have been a one-directional fan since the very beginning. I’ve seen, read, or searched a hell of a lot of things and events about them.

When it comes to a ‘boy band,’ the first image that comes to the mind of a person is – a loose t-shirt, skinny jeans, a chain, a wristband, long hair, and a beard.

But, clearly, the bandmates need the look mentioned above. With that get-up, one gets an image of a guy who is crazy, rude, late, has an attitude, and so on.

When you look at the members of One Direction, you will find none of those things. All the guys have a very clean and boyish appearance. Anyone in general, especially teenagers, can associate with them. All the boys have the persona of a normal boy.

How tall is Harry Styles really?
How tall is Harry Styles really?

When you see them in interviews, live concerts, or on the streets, you’ll notice one thing: these boys are not behaving like other socialites. All of them show great respect to others. It could be one of the reasons why they are so famous around the world. Every one of them behaves in such a way that shows that they belong to Britain (which is considered the most civilized race).

If you look at the poll of the most famous guys among them, you will find Harry’s styles at the top. Of course, he is so good-looking, but so are the others. But there is something about Harry’s style that attracts most of the crowd, and that is the way he behaves around people. You would always see him smiling and talking very politely to others. He has a very pleasant personality.

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All of these are qualities of a gentleman. In one of his interviews, a female journalist was standing; Harry offered her his seat. Whenever you look at his pictures with his female friends, you will always find him walking behind them.

All of these, indeed, make him a gentleman.

Edit 1: This year at the ARIA awards, he was nominated for the Best International Artist. But when he was announced the winner, he went to Lorde to greet her ( who was also nominated for the same award) before going to the stage to receive his award.

Is Harry Styles as nice in person as people say he is?

He really is! In February 2020, I met him in London. I was really overwhelmed and emotional, and he took the time to speak to me; he kept thanking me for my support and telling me that he loved and appreciated me. 

Meanwhile, I was completely speechless, and on top of that, he asked if I would like a picture. And my hands were shaking so badly that he offered to hold the phone for me. 

Keep in mind he could have just taken a simple picture and left, but he took time out of his day to make sure I was doing well and then proceeded to talk to my father before he left.

Why is Harry Styles famous?

He’s one of the members of One Direction. The biggest boyband on the planet. He’s so cute, and he respects women. He’s not a womanizer, and the rumors about him being a womanizer are definitely wrong. He’s like a ‘ladies’ man’ and that’s why girls like him. His fashion is unique. He wears St. Laurent. 

The way he dresses is so wonderful, and no guy can wear those better than him. His curly hair makes him look beautiful all the time. But the coolest thing about Harold is he can look twice his age sometimes!

He also can look like a sweet, innocent baby! Plus, of course, he’s really talented! He has an amazing voice. He always puts his soul into every song he sings. What makes him famous is his nice personality. Harry has a great personality, and he’s so charming. He treats people nicely. And surely, he’s a soft-hearted man. I love this lad so much!

Is Harry Styles overrated?

I don’t believe so. He truly does have vocal talent and originality. Harry could’ve created a mainstream pop album for his debut and (probably) could’ve been more successful than his actual self-titled album. 

He is still young, still humble, and still willing to test different blends of sounds that fit him. In time, he’ll earn the respect and recognition to reach as far as the Grammys. I wish the best of luck for him!

How tall is Harry Styles really?