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How does “Prison Break” end?

How does "Prison Break" end?

How does “Prison Break” end?


It now has two endings.

Season 4: They find out who ordered Lincoln’s arrest and get evidence from the correct authority to bring down the shadowy organization that did it. Sara and Michael get married and look forward to their kid, and then Michael’s nose starts bleeding again, indicating that he hasn’t gotten the same brain cancer that “killed” his mother completely.

Then Sara gets arrested for shooting and killing one of the higher-ups in said organization (Michael and Linc’s mother, who didn’t actually die but merely joined that organization, probably because they said they could cut it out, possibly after repeated doses). 

Michael has to plan to break her out because various other prisoners are trying to kill her. And he almost gets her out. But then someone needs to short the power to release the locked door. 

And so he chooses himself, and Sara gets through the door, and Michael electrocutes himself. Michael has left a video at the place where Sara and Linc are staying, explaining that he wouldn’t have had very much time anyway with his medical lab results from a local clinic.

Season 5: It ends with Michael and Linc sitting side by side in a park watching Sara, little Mike (Michael and Sara’s son), and Sheba, a woman Linc got attached to who was helping him rescue Michael, as they talk and laugh. Linc gets up and goes down the hill to where Sara, little Mike, and Sheba sit, leaving Michael smiling at them.

How does “Prison Break” end?

The TV series “Prison Break” concluded with its fifth season, officially known as “Prison Break: Resurrection.” It served as a limited revival of the show. Here is a summary of how “Prison Break” ends:

Warning: Spoilers ahead for the conclusion of “Prison Break.”

In “Prison Break: Resurrection,” Michael Scofield, the main protagonist, is revealed to be alive and imprisoned in a Yemeni prison under the alias Kaniel Outis. His apparent death and subsequent disappearance were part of an elaborate plan to take down a terrorist organization known as Poseidon.

Throughout the season, Michael’s brother, Lincoln Burrows, and other familiar characters from earlier seasons work to rescue him and clear his name. The season is filled with twists, turns, and suspenseful moments.

The series concludes with the successful rescue of Michael from the Yemeni prison, the defeat of Poseidon, and the reunion of Michael with his family. Michael and Sara Tancredi, his wife, are reunited, and the series ends on a positive note as the characters look forward to a better future.

The ending of “Prison Break: Resurrection” closes the long-running series and ties up loose ends in the storyline. While the show had its ups and downs, it remains a fan favourite for its intricate plot and characters.

When and why did the show Prison Break end?

Prison Break is one of the best-made Television series which had a storyline. Most of the other Television series that get aired today are more of a single-episode kind, wherein you may have a very disconnected story plot (you can more or less explain those situations which demanded knowledge of this plot rather easily). Still, the emphasis was on what happens in that particular episode.

This is where Prison Break was in a league of its own. Not only did it have a plot, but it also managed to introduce so many twists that you would have no option but to get obsessed with it. Almost all of the people I know of have completed it within a week of starting it, at times watching it continuously for hours (almost 8 hours at a stretch).

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It was correct for Prison Break to end at the time that it did. The plot towards the end started to stretch a bit, as they tried to introduce twists just for the heck of it. If they had tried taking it any further, the whole ‘charm’ of the show as such would have been ruined. 

A successful show leaves you longing for more, so the way the show ended was the best that they could have done.

How does “Prison Break” end?

What were the flaws in the TV show Prison Break?

I LOVE this show, but starting season 3, I got quite disappointed because of this: Season 3 introduced the idea that Michael was capable of breaking out of anywhere.

I liked Michael when he was just a normal guy (super smart and a creative genius, yeah, but just a HUMAN) who would need months and months of preparation and scheming, a bit of luck (having access to the blueprints), and lots of determination to break his brother out of prison.

It was fiction, and of course, there’d always be hundreds of implausibilities, but it was still believable. I’d completely buy that this super smart guy, under those circumstances, could pull that off.

Come season 3, we’re expected to believe Michael can break out of everywhere. He can improvise a prison break, within 7 days, out of a place he never knew anything about.

So much for the whole “months of obsessive scheming and planning” and getting blueprint-hid tattoos.

I think this was when they started abusing Michael’s intellect, and he stopped being human and became more like a cartoonish comic-book superhero. Michael had such an amazing presence in seasons 1 and 2… He was determined, he was fierce, he was delightfully manipulative, and he was just human.

How does “Prison Break” end?

When I watched “The Final Break” and saw them stage yet another prison break only in two episodes, I honestly was extremely disappointed. 

I wish writers had thought of different situations to put Michael’s wit in action (like season 4, but better plotted) instead of repeating the break-out thing twice. It simply cheapened the story, the characters… everything.

More flaws bothered me, but that’s the biggest. Michael’s character was always different after season 2. And, for me, at least, it was his brilliance and defiant attitude that I found the most riveting and compelled me to watch episode after episode. But, when he became this tormented guy, anxious and sad almost all the time, the magic was lost, sadly.

How does "Prison Break" end?
How does “Prison Break” end?

Which series is better, Breaking Bad or Prison Break?

Different people have different tastes. I see most people recommending Breaking Bad, but I loved Prison Break (though seasons 3,4,5 are nowhere near seasons 1 and 2).

Breaking Bad has an amazing plot, but I found it “TOOOOOOO SLOW”. Until I reached season 4, I was not curious about what would happen now. I watched episodes, skipping conversations. 

In season 3, episode 10, there was an episode “FLY”. Can you imagine, in the whole episode, Walter White catching a fly? 

Nothing else. The story did not move an inch. That was it. I had no curiosity about “what next”. Yes, I wanted to see the end, so I finished the series by skipping so many conversations, especially between Walter and his wife.

As an episode ends in Prison Break seasons 1 & 2, you cannot wait to see how Scofield will pull this off. There were 8 different prisoners, and all had different motives; most did not like each other. Many things went differently than planned. 

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How does “Prison Break” end?

Criminals, which Scofield never liked, also keep adding to his group. The chimney that he deteriorated using rusting chemicals was changed, and so many of his other plans failed, but he came up with a new plan every time. Amazing season 1.

In season 2, he gets a nemesis of equal intelligence. Agent Mahone. Who guessed his plan almost every time, and then again, Scofield had to keep changing his plan.

Prison Break after season 2 turned into an ordinary show. But its pace made me like it more than Breaking Bad.

There is no offence to anyone who likes Breaking Bad more than Prison Break. As I say, it’s a personnel choice.

Is “Prison Break” worth watching? Why or why not?

Yes. I have watched almost all the seasons of 40 TV series, and still, prison break is the most nail-biting experience. You are always on the edge of your seat, wondering what is happening. Whats is going to happen? Screwed? And any of the 40 other things.

And also, Prison Break has the best villain ever made T-Bag… Ever.

Meanest SOB

It is one of the TV series where I never lost interest; throughout the series, you always wonder now what?


Watch the first two episodes, and then it will be out of your hands.

Edit: Although I added this answer a while ago, one character should get a special mention. His issues, addiction and the shivering without drugs. Amazing.

Alex Mahone.

Update: Prison Break is coming back for Season 5. Yup.
Update 2: Prison Break season 5 is the worst TV season ever.

How does “Prison Break” end?

Why is Prison Break so addictive?

Reason 1: At its time of release, It was one of a kind. It was new to people. Breaking out of prison in an elaborate motion picture. There were other prison breakout movies like Escape from Alcatraz and Shawshank Redemption, but they never gave the real picture that prison break managed to provide.

Reason 2: Every episode ends with something interesting, A twist usually. This makes us skip sleep to complete the series (which I have done on Netflix). Such endings make people more curious towards the next episode, making it addictive.

Reason 3: It has everything: Excitement (obviously), Sentiment, Family, Love and lots of twists. It is a complete package.

All in all, it is one of a kind, and no other series will ever replace Prison Break.

How does "Prison Break" end?
How does “Prison Break” end?

How can we connect season 1 of Prison Break with Sylla, which was in the third and fourth seasons?

Well. Bearing in mind that Scylla has top-secret information about technology and free energy, this could be interesting:

If you watch Season 1, there were speeches from the first president (can’t recall his name) and vice president Reynolds about “free energy”.

ECOFIELD was an Energy research company supposedly owned by Terrence Steadme (but The Company was behind it)

So, there you have it; they hinted something about Scylla in Season 1.

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Do inmates in prison view the Prison Break show?

Yes, it was. And we loved it. At first, they tripped on the theme and wouldn’t let us watch it, but someone came to our rescue. Who? We were ultimately allowed to watch it. And, of course, we all loved it.

Why was Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) killed in Prison Break?

The production of Prison Break did not want any other season due to the low turnout for the fourth one. They wanted to terminate this series to keep the fame earned from the initial seasons.

That’s why, from the beginning of season 4, Scofield was shown as the guy with some rare disease and introduced an extra twist of “Will he survive till the end” to the viewers.

What is the new series of Prison Break going to be about?

Prison Break is not a new series. It was on 2005 for 4 years, but the last season was not good. Prison Break (TV Series 2005–2009).

They are just rebooting the series, and so far, I have no news as to what it will be about or if all or any of the original cast members will be back (though they are trying to get some, at least. It may be hard, however, as ORiginal Cast members Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell will be in the Upcoming CW series Legends Of Tomorrow.

I know I posted something about it in a news post on my blog, so if you want to try to find it, you are welcome to Multi-screen MO-T-Vision.

How does “Prison Break” end?

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