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How can I have more wet dreams?

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How can I have more wet dreams?

How can I have more wet dreams?

I will try to help you. I am a Christian who, in my youth, was faced with the dilemma of s*xuality versus religion and have later taken an interest in sleep for other reasons. My answer is that you can do a few things to increase (or decrease) the chance of a wet dream.

You cannot drastically increase their number to the same level as masturbators, some of which ejaculate several times daily! But you may see some more of them.

Wet dreams happen exclusively during REM sleep. In young men, REM sleep is almost always accompanied by erection unless their dream is nightmarish. Even dreams that have nothing to do with sex are accompanied by a hardening of the penis. 

And as you sleep, the proportion of REM keeps rising. During the first hours after you go to bed, you have mostly deep sleep, but in the later hours – toward the morning for most people – you get more and more REM and more and longer erections.

I found that I was likelier to have wet dreams on weekends when I could sleep in and did not need to go to school or work. But the length of your sleep matters more than it is in the morning, although that may also matter somewhat since your body temperature rises in the morning.

In addition to the sexual content of the dream, orgasm is also caused by friction. (“Fiction and friction” is a common description of what causes orgasm.) The clothes you wear in bed (if any) can rub against your penis during your sleeping erections and cause the erection to grow into an orgasm. 

You may want to experiment with this; you don’t want to harm your penis after all, but sleeping in underwear increases the chance of nocturnal emission compared to sleeping naked. 

A pillow or duvet in your lap can also facilitate orgasm, especially if you sleep naked. Some of us naturally embrace and “spoon” a fluffy duvet if one is in our bed, which can cause sexual impulses to come forward more easily.

I am told that eating spicy food makes you more likely to have intense dreams, but I have not experimented with this.

Being exposed to sexual stimuli is the most reliable way to get more wet dreams, but I would think this goes against the religious motivation for your question.

In the end, nocturnal emissions are the body’s way of eliminating excess semen, so there is no way to increase them, like double or triple the number greatly. 

That would be very hard unless you exposed yourself to many sexual stimuli, which would be bad for anyone who wants to live chaste and celibate. But how you sleep can somewhat increase your chance of having a wet dream.

How can I have more wet dreams?

If you want more wet dreams, follow this:

  1. Watch your favorite porn star porn at night
  2. Masturbate but don’t cum (ejaculate)
  3. And sleep. But I am 100% sure you will get only your favorite porn star. Bye, good night, bro. I hope you try.

What causes wet dreams?

I just got that recently, and the scientific term for this is nocturnal emission. I believe that the male sex hormone testosterone causes it. Almost everyone has experienced it from time to time.

Even though this is embarrassing, it’s a process when you grow up. The term wet dream misled me to think dreams cause it, but only when your body needs to discharge.

Is frequently having wet dreams normal?

Oh yes, if you have reached puberty and are not masturbating to ejaculation (cumming), you will have wet dreams. Politely put, it is the body practicing for when you have sexual intercourse. 

Less politely, it is the body telling you that you have blue balls due to excess sexual tension – normal – and that you are not doing something about it. 

Even if you don’t want to masturbate, your hormones are running wild, and dreams, even just pleasant ones – not sex-related – can cause you to have a wet dream. My solution when I found out this was to masturbate.

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Can you do something before going to bed to induce wet dreams?

Flannel sheets and sleeping naked always worked for me.

When I was in Scouts, and we went on camping trips, I had a sleeping bag with a Flannel liner. One night, we went skinny dipping in the springs at our campground. Returning to our tents, I dried off and slipped into my sleeping bag without putting on anything. 

The Flannel felt so good against my skin felt so good. Later I woke up, and my cock was pulsing, and I realized that I was ejaculating. Luckily, it was the last night of the campout. Getting home, I asked my mom if she could wash my sleeping bag (I didn’t explain why). She was glad to since she had always said it reached after a few trips.

The next time we went camping, I waited till the last night, and I slept naked again; sure enough, I was awakened to a mess of cum.

How can I have more wet dreams?

After that, I experimented with sleeping naked in my sleeping bag at home. Every time, I ended up having a wet dream.

We had an old Flannel blanket at home, and I took it to my room and slept naked in it occasionally to have another wonderful dream.

I discovered they sold Flannel sheets, so I asked if I could get a set, which I was given (strangely, I didn’t get wet dreams while wearing Flannel pajamas).

When I went away to college, I only had Flannel sheets in my dorm room.

Why haven’t I had a wet dream?

Do you masturbate? I started masturbating at 10 and did it several times a day (I also masturbate often now); now I’m 44, and I’ve never had wet dreams. I think the reason is frequent masturbation.

What’s the strangest wet dream you’ve ever had?

Ok, I was 13 and living with my aunt, who was super religious, kept my door open all the time, and was extremely nosy regarding the time I spent in the bathroom. She was always in my business. 

So, I didn’t masturbate for over two weeks. The only magazines around were religious, and I found myself trying to find attractive women in them and the illustrations in religious books. I was so desperate. She controlled the TV and what was watched, which, as you can imagine, did not involve anyone dressed vaguely attractively.

After two weeks, I was going nuts. First thing in the morning, she seemed to know my dick would be hard as a rock, so she was all in the room, getting me up immediately, making the bed, and making sure no sperm was on it. She seemed pleased that she could find no sperm but a little disappointed.

So one night, I dreamed I was trying to dance with one of the young women who sang in one of her religious TV shows, complete with a long dress. I was trying to dance, and she was spinning around, and I kept trying to get to her, but she kept spinning around and smiling at me, like, get me.

I know I was aching in my crotch, so I kept trying to dance with her. I didn’t know how to dance, so I started spinning with her and getting closer to her. Suddenly we were together, holding each other tight, and I woke up, penis hard and stiffening and sperm coming out, air-humping and making this noise like a cat fighting a ferret. 

I kept air humping and making it squirt all over, then jacked the last of it out. It was everywhere. I hope she was happy.

Is it normal to have wet dreams every night?

I would speak to a physician. Only he or she can determine if it means there is something physically wrong. With that said wet dreams are not usually an issue and someone with a high sex drive could definitely have them every night, maybe especially if you are not very sexually active otherwise.

Why have I never experienced a wet dream?

I didn’t have one till I was in my 20s when I stopped masturbating for a time.

It takes a good while without any form of release for the body to take care of it in your sleep. Teens who have no other form or release average a wet dream every three weeks. If you avoid ejaculating for a month, you will probably have one.

If you can ejaculate from masturbation, everything works fine, and you have nothing to worry about.

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When does a male stop having wet dreams?

Two ways:

  1. Get a Sexual Partner to help regulate the normal sexual needs of an Adult.
  2. Masturbate regularly to regulate your sexual needs.

Wet dreams are caused by not heeding the Sexual Needs of the Human Adult Body.

If you have Religious Reasons for this, I am mocking you in the same way that I would mock someone who whips themselves to death for being morally improper. This is not worthy of respect, and my mockery of it is something I hold as a moral responsibility to discredit unhealthy behavior.

How can I have more wet dreams?

Edit: With the rephrasing of the question, there is a fundamental lack of understanding here.

My answer still applies. I’m 41 and can still get Wet Dreams if I abstain from Masturbation for too long. Sometimes, I get so charged up by something I get them anyway.

I dream every single night.

Let me put it bluntly.

If you are a Male, you are Producing Sperm.

That Sperm will come out on some schedule, whether caused by a Woman, your Right Hand, or via a Wet Dream.


Could you explain the “religious motivation” for a teenage boy not to masturbate? I feel this is NOT a Christian value, and rather sick and twisted. Which Christian denomination believes in this?

As a child, my father took me to Congregational Church every Sunday until he died when I was age 17. No Church member ever told the children or teens about sex or masturbation.

I went through puberty at age 13, didn’t know how to masturbate, and was too shy to ask. I was celibate for a year, but not by choice. I had a horrible feeling of tension all the time.

Finally, a friend told me how to masturbate and that it was normal. I can’t imagine intentionally doing this to a teen boy; it’s not Christian to torture a boy.

How can I have more wet dreams?

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