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Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

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Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

I’m so pissed off that this was the one thing from the comic books that they just had to do, particularly since Glenn was my main reason for staying so emotionally invested in this show as a main favorite character of mine.a

Plus, he still had so much potential left for character development and backstory, and he was the only character left who felt majorly compelling and relatable.

His death added nothing beneficial to anyone’s character development or the overarching plot this season on the show, anyway, because Maggie already was a badass leader, and Daryl has been Rick’s main righthand man throughout most of the series, not Glenn.

Additionally, Daryl has always been the ultimate fan favorite on the show, not Glenn, whereas he was killed off by Kirkman in the comics in Issue # 100 by Negan with his bat precisely because he was the ultimate fan favorite of them, so if they were trying to pull off the same shocking message on the show that “No one is safe,” then I think that Daryl would have been the ultimately shocking choice to kill off in the S7 premiere.

But you know the theme of this show by now. Daryl can keep getting away with surviving, despite being an idiot at times, because he’s the stereotypical white redneck badass whose face is all over AMC’s merchandise, and he rakes in the most cash with the show’s biggest fan base.

Glenn was the obvious choice for the writers to kill off because he was the marginalized POC, the show’s main beacon of light who overcame every odd. he was the extraordinarily kind, loving, and selfless moral compass of his group who had everything in life to look forward to with a wife who had a baby on the way. The writers were too lazy to try something new by keeping him alive.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

Never mind the fact that they had the perfect setup to keep Glenn away from this death on the show since they made him kill at least seven living people from the Saviors compound by the end of S6 to defend his group for the first time on the show, something that comic Glenn never did.

Maggie’s TV counterpart already was a badass and independent leader on the show, never mind the fact that Daryl had pretty much stolen Glenn’s role as Rick’s main righthand man and the ultimate fan favorite on the show, never mind the fact that the writers totally sidelined Glenn’s character by S4 on the show, never giving him the full backstory, character development, and screentime that he deserved as a main Atlanta Five member character from day one of this show before killing him off.

And never mind the fact that the writers toyed with Glenn’s fate and the hearts of his fans with that dumpster fake-out death for half of S6, revealing that he was still alive a mere few episodes before the season seven premiere.

They still just had to kill him off in this way right now in the S7 premiere with no closure of story in terms of backstory, development, screen time, or even the dignity of getting his death, like he at least did in the comics before he was killed off, and unlike almost every other main character who died on this show.

I think it was disrespectful to Abe’s character to use him as a false safety net for Glenn’s shock value one. Still, at the very least, he died a dignified death of his own, going out as a sacrifice to protect his group with the closure of backstory, character development, and screen time that he deserved beforehand.

But Abe wasn’t a core main character on the show or one with a very likable or respectable personality, besides his wise-cracking dirty jokes that added some comic relief.

Glenn, by contrast, was a core main character on the show; he had a very dynamic, complex, likable, relatable, and respectable personality.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

He was always lovable with his awkward, kind, loving, selfless, funny, self-deprecating sense of humor.

However, he had the most profound and emotionally complex journey because he was a pizza delivery boy who went from a total pushover who survived by the skin of his teeth as a supply runner whose group took advantage of him to a total badass who thrived.

After all, the world went to shit, by becoming a better, stronger, and truly optimistic person who was willing to fight and survive for those he loved when he fell in love with Maggie in S2.

Yet, he didn’t get any of the full backstory, character development, closure of storyline, and screentime that he deserved as a core main character on the show in the six years that he was on it before he abruptly and cruelly got killed off the show in the S7 premiere.

Not only was Glenn my favorite main character, the heart of the show, and my main reason for staying so emotionally invested in TWD because I thought he was the most emotionally complex and likable one, but he died a manipulative, unjustified, and undignified shock value death with a totally incomplete and underdeveloped story on the show, all because he had to ridiculously, gruesomely, and unfairly pay the price of death for the inconsiderate, reckless, and selfish choice that one of his stupid friends in the lineup made by acting out against Negan to defend his masculine pride when he had just told them all to stay put.

It actually would have made more sense for Negan to kill Daryl instead of Glenn due to the fact that he doesn’t like people who break his rules in the Sanctuary; Daryl was injured, Glenn wasn’t, and Glenn should have been considered braver because he acted out to protect his wife before Negan threw out that warning that he would feed Carl’s other eye to Rick if anyone else moved in that lineup.

But because of gasp nonsensically gruesome, cheaply, and cruelly manipulative shock value death plot-driven writing, and AMC and the vast majority of the TWD’s favoritism of Daryl’s overrated ass, which rakes in the most cash, Glenn got killed off by Negan, instead.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

Glenn’s death on the show was just for pure shock value plot to reel in ratings. Unfortunately, yeah, I’m pretty sure that he’s dead for good this time because we saw his head get pulverized to a bloody pulp of ground meat, and there’s no way that anyone could come back to life from that.

The only possible way in which Glenn could still be alive after we saw his brutal death happen in graphic detail right before our eyes on the screen would be if this whole season turned out to be Rick’s nightmare.

I think the Rick’s still in a coma in the hospital theory would take too much away from the overall storyline and the storylines of the main characters. Still, I would opt for everything post-S3 to be Rick’s nightmare, besides Richonne, so that Glenn could survive.

Bonus, we’d get to keep Hershel, Beth, and the semi-normalcy of the prison life that they had settled down into. Otherwise, Glenn’s really dead, and so is the TWD that I used to know and love with him.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

I’m sorry to tell you this, but the answer is a big, fat no.

Some people believe in aliens, there are others that believe in bigfoot, but anyone who has watched the show knows without a shadow of a doubt that Glenn is dead.

I get it. I get why you would want this to be true, my optimistic friend. I get that they have played us in the past, and I get that a number of us fell for it, but please, I urge you to watch the scene again.

Please look at the eye dangling from its socket.

Please look and stare at the bloodied pile of pulp and bone and gore that was once Glenn. Stare until it truly sinks in.

I know the old saying. Once bitten twice shy, and as a result, we as viewers are wary, but let me make this abundantly clear.

Glenn is dead, and this time, he isn’t coming back. RIP Glenn, you will be missed.

Why does Negan decide to kill Glenn on TWD?

This will be a show answer.

Negan is all about payback, but in terms of quality, not quantity. Rick and his group killed a lot of Saviors. Negan was not interested in retaliation as simple revenge and accountability. He wanted to make an impact on Rick that messing with the Saviors, and with Negan in particular, would cost him dear.

Negan had decided to corral Rick and his group into the woods like a circle that he could not escape. He called for every Savior in the group, and we can assume that meant outposts as there were a huge amount of Saviors looking at this punishment. Negan made sure Rick and the group would stay. 

He also wanted anyone who called himself or herself a Savior to witness the event, plus be an intimidating presence as though to say to Rick:” We outnumber you countlessly. We are Legion. You are nothing.”

Now to Glenn—I don’t think Negan knew who he was going to kill until he looked over the group, but he knew he wanted the kill to count. His first impulse was to hurt Rick, in particular with the kill. Abraham’s lack of fear told him that Abraham was probably the muscle of the group. So he marked Abraham as he figured it would hurt Rick.

However, Glenn came into the circle with Michonne, Daryl, and Rosita. Since Daryl was injured, he seemed less intimidating, and Negan needed to pick up on his importance to Rick initially. However, Glenn reacted strongly to Maggie. 

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

That told Negan that Glenn had an emotional connection with someone in the group. He may even have seen Glenn as weak, meaning not tough like Abraham or sardonically cruel like Simon. Glen was human and hurting not for himself but for another in the group. That meant he was the emotional center of the group.

(This is my interpretation.) The minute Glenn let his feelings show, Negan filed it away in his mind. Glenn was probably a dead man in that second, but Negan still wanted to kill Rick’s “right-hand man” and watch for his reaction. 

If the group did not give the reaction he wanted, Glenn was next. If Rick’s group did give the reaction he wanted, Glenn would die later, but he was going to die as it meant hurting the group.

After Abraham’s death, Negan wanted to make the emotional suffering of the group prominent, which is why he flicked the bat to get blood onto Rick’s face—Abraham’s blood—and taunt Rosita, trying to make her look at the bat.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

He did not expect Daryl to react. Up until that point, everything was going according to plan, including Rosita’s crying. When Daryl charged him, Negan knew he made a mistake about Abraham as Daryl was also muscle and not afraid of him. Negan felt he had to change that.

I insist that he had planned to kill Glenn, either in the circle or later. However, Negan hates making mistakes. He was mad, not that Daryl charged him, but that he didn’t evaluate the group correctly. 

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Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

He was more focused on Carl, Maggie, Abraham, Sasha, Eugene, and also Rick. He noticed Glen because of his outburst, but he had already decided to kill Abraham before they got there. Then Glenn cried out, and he decided he would kill Glenn. But he didn’t pay attention to Daryl. So he went with his impulse to kill Glenn and really do a number on the group.

A lot of people “blame” Daryl for Glenn’s death. I reject that belief. Glen was perfect for Negan’s plan to break Rick. Negan did not want to kill a female.

He found Eugene too weak and pathetic—he figured Rick wouldn’t be upset by Eugene’s death. The showrunners knew that Aaron didn’t have enough show presence, but Aaron also showed little emotion except for fear when Negan did his eeny meeny more thing. 

Carl was emotional leverage to use against Rick: he was more valuable alive. Negan killed Glenn sooner than he would have liked, but he felt justified in doing it. I think that he was going to taunt Rick and then kill Glenn that night, but he got emotional and killed him right after Abraham as it felt good, and he was planning to do it anyway. It turned out to be a very effective intimidation tactic. That is why Glenn died in the show.

Does anyone think that Glenn’s death on TWD ruined the whole show?

It completely ruined the show. Almost all my friends that watch or watch the show, and I mean all but one, agree the show is done, ruined, and just straight-up garbage shit now. After Glenn died, the entire series changed. It doesn’t feel like The Walking Dead at all. You look back at seasons 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, and even six, and say, “That’s the same show?”

Glenn’s death was not needed for the show at all. Suppose they really wanted a good emotional impact. In that case, they should’ve killed Daryl or Carl because Carl would’ve affected everyone, including Rick, a lot more, and Daryl would’ve affected the fans a lot more since some of them seem to think that Negan needed to kill Glenn for the emotional impact.

I quit the show right after Glenn was killed, and from what I’ve seen personally of the new season, it looked awful, and you wonder why the ratings dropped by half. 

So yeah, killing Glenn was too far; it ruined the whole show and made everyone mad; if they had just killed Abe or killed someone else like Sasha or Rosita or Carl, the show probably wouldn’t change nearly as much and wouldn’t suck so bad.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

Do you think if Glenn were still alive, The Walking Dead would be a better show?

Yes, without a doubt. Glenn was one of the original survivors and was responsible for Rick’s survival when he entered the city back at the beginning of the show. Glenn knew how to survive and stay off other people’s radar. 

It was only when he got tangled up in the chaotic mess of the rest of the survivors that he was stuck with their curse of having to make bad decisions and automatic Murphy’s law problems.

In The Walking Dead, did Nicholas intentionally kill himself to help Glenn?

No. Absolutely not. He only did it because he was too chicken to allow the walkers to have him. He was not sacrificing himself, and he was saving himself from being ripped to shreds. He fell on top of Glenn, which caused him to fall into the mob of walkers. 

Nickolas seemed to make a habit of getting others hurt, trying to save himself. The thank you was how Glenn helped him to see the light that he is not meant to go on in this world.

How would fans have reacted if Negan killed Daryl instead of Glenn?

If Daryl dies, we riot.

No, we wouldn’t, but it’s the thought that counts. I watch the show, and though I don’t always love it, I can’t stop watching. There probably would be some people who became so genuinely disgruntled that they stopped watching.

People would still post all kinds of reaction videos: sobbing, crying out in rage, utter disbelief. The backlash would be even worse than what we got. Everyone could already suspect that Glenn’s days, as well as Abraham’s, were numbered. Both are currently deceased in the comics. 

Glenn’s death gave the show the traction that I think it had been losing over the past few seasons. In short, it got its balls back. In the first few seasons, it was a show based on the premise that any main character could die at any moment. Around season 4, it had devolved into a show about how any side character could die at any moment. 

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

I don’t think the show had ever killed off two central characters in the same episode before (maybe Lori and T-Dog in season 3), so the gravity of the loss was palpable. Daryl is a pure show product, sure, but he is probably just about everyone’s favorite character. And if he isn’t, he’s pretty high on the list. 

He’s basically Glenn, too: he has a good heart and is willing to sacrifice everything for his group. The difference is we got to see a change in Daryl. He started as this misunderstood redneck hothead. Maybe we didn’t like him at first. 

Over six seasons, we got to see him develop as a character. Glenn was already good: every action was expected, so there was less gravity. With Daryl, if he did something good, we were surprised. 

He’s more entertaining, and he gets better lines; he kicks more ass than anyone else on the show, including Glenn. If Daryl died, the group would become weaker than it already has. But if Glenn dies, well, you already know how that turned out.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?
Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

If Glenn (From The Walking Dead) was admitted to a hospital right after the initial hit, would he be able to survive and (fully) recover?

It is possible he would have lived—possible. But he would have been blind in one eye and probably brain-damaged. He would not be as sharp mentally; he might have to relearn how to speak, and he would have to learn how to function with one eye. 

Other motor skills would probably be affected. He would probably have ringing in his ears for the rest of his life and absolutely terrible headaches. This is under the absolutely best circumstances.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

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Is Glenn alive in The Walking Dead?

Based on what we know, it’s almost impossible to confirm his death.

Why do some of us think he’s still alive (Wendy Taylor covers most of it in her answer):

  1. From the camera angles, what we see the walkers ripping is Nicolas’ body on top of Glenn. That’s why we see what looks like intestines being pulled out from where Glenn’s chest is located.
  2. Apart from in-continuity hints, the only other hint is that Glenn didn’t appear in the “In Memoriam” segment of the follow-up discussion, The Talking Dead. The last time a character that was seemingly dead – but wasn’t – didn’t appear in that segment was during season 4, when Judith was thought to be dead. Only to be found with Tyrese later.
  3. Another hint that we’ve recently gotten is the cliffhanger at the end of “Always Accountable” when we hear someone reply to Daryl. Some fan theories suggest this is probably Glenn crying for help.
  4. The way season 6 is unfolding, it’s following a non-linear pattern. So, two consecutive episodes may be chronologically in different order. That’s why even though Glenn’s death was in episode 3, it’s possible that episode 6 was happening simultaneous to it (or sometime after).
  6. In the comics, Glenn is killed by a yet-to-be-introduced character, Negan. Now, the show has deviated a lot from the comics in terms of life and death (Andrea’s dead, Carol’s alive, Judith’s alive, Daryl exists), so this might not be the case. But Glenn is too important a character to have a freak death.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?a

Why do some of us think Glenn Is dead?

  1. Even if it is Nicolas’ body on top of Glenn’s, how does Glenn survive through that gigantic herd? Yes, Tyrese did some remarkable things with only a hammer, but if Glenn survives like that, it’ll be really stupid.
  2. One possibility is that Daryl and co intervene.
  3. Stephen Yeun, the actor portraying Glenn, doesn’t have his name appear during the opening sequence anymore.
  4. Maybe they removed it to remain mysterious about the whole thing.

Therefore, as long as we don’t get an in-story confirmation in the form of a body, we can’t say anything for sure.

How pissed off will you be if they don’t end up killing off Glenn in the walking dead?

If they pretend to kill Glenn, if they make us think he might be dead and isn’t — then I’ll be mad. They have already done this about four times.

Three in one episode (“Conquer,” when Nicholas attempted to leave Glenn to die in various situations) and then in “Thank You,” when we had the Great Dumpster Escape. Either kill him or don’t, but make it clear and in keeping with the story.

If they don’t kill him, I have no problem with that per se. I like Glenn, I like Steven Yuen, so I’m cool with keeping him around. I know that Negan kills Glenn in the comics, and now we’re encountering Negan, so everyone’s waiting to see if it happens. But we can’t be sure because they sometimes follow the comic.

Susan’s right; they’ve certainly set Glenn and Abraham up to seem like the next ones to die. Between Abraham’s reconsidering of life being worth living and Glenn and Maggie’s baby, they seem like obvious candidates and are high on my list of most likely ones. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if the show throws a curve on that.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

How pissed off will you be if they don’t end up killing off Glenn in the walking dead?

If they pretend to kill Glenn, if they make us think he might be dead and isn’t — then I’ll be mad. They have already done this about four times.

Three in one episode (“Conquer,” when Nicholas attempted to leave Glenn to die in various situations) and then in “Thank You,” when we had the Great Dumpster Escape. Either kill him or don’t, but make it clear and in keeping with the story.

If they don’t kill him, I have no problem with that per se. I like Glenn, I like Steven Yuen, so I’m cool with keeping him around. I know that Negan kills Glenn in the comics, and now we’re encountering Negan, so everyone’s waiting to see if it happens. But we can’t be sure because they sometimes follow the comic.

Susan’s right; they’ve certainly set Glenn and Abraham up to seem like the next ones to die. Between Abraham’s reconsidering of life being worth living and Glenn and Maggie’s baby, they seem like obvious candidates and are high on my list of most likely ones. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if the show throws a curve on that.

Does anybody think Glenn is still alive from The Walking Dead?

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